When does "Live" cease to be "Live"

Yeah it's a very interesting topic that's for sure. Personally if you can't play/sing your songs live then I do take issue with that but there again integrity isn't high on most agendas these days sadly....or to put it another way there should be some kind of disclaimer explaining the fact that Mr Pro Tools has joined the band. He's an extremely busy guy that Mr Pro Tools fella.....

Makes me realise I've seen so many bands live and it's never crossed my mind that many of the instruments I thought were being played, may not have been. Forgivable on some intro/atmospheric stuff, that's par for the power/prog metal course.
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Incredibly proud of the fact that with PQ we never once had any "outside" help. 100% live 100% of the time.

So many bands these days pipe in backing vocals and even lead vocals in some cases......admittedly I am the music police when it comes to these things.

Very impressive to know the Quest never used backtracks! I don't mind them with some acts. Bands like Rhapsody, eh, well, it kind of comes with the territory. Power metal and those really hifalutin, over-the-top bands kind of demand them... but a regular ol' heavy metal or rock band? Would definitely be disappointed. I guess it just depends, for me, on what the backing tracks are actually used for, if they're used as a crutch, etc...