is about time this man do special feat of musics on new anathema. yes?
is duncan is friend once more wit anathema mens his must be time for some niew music with his firends egain??? maybe some lyrix, maybe some on or two songs??? i have seen daniel plays musics with duncan in the duncan othr band, so why no for duncan to play a litl bit in anathema ok???
ok so then i say you DARREN WHITE is for just a few musics with anathema too???
you shut up damnit mens who no my english itn's so good, i indian doom metaller. i no so swar word fuccccccccccccck you! is not like my english, i tell you mine is bett tan you hindi!
is duncan is friend once more wit anathema mens his must be time for some niew music with his firends egain??? maybe some lyrix, maybe some on or two songs??? i have seen daniel plays musics with duncan in the duncan othr band, so why no for duncan to play a litl bit in anathema ok???
ok so then i say you DARREN WHITE is for just a few musics with anathema too???
you shut up damnit mens who no my english itn's so good, i indian doom metaller. i no so swar word fuccccccccccccck you! is not like my english, i tell you mine is bett tan you hindi!