When getting sick of your usual stuff, what do you record? (post your clips)


Anssi Tenhunen
I just got fed up after mixing my university-projectband's single A-side track for weeks. I have used huge amount of time mainly because I am trying to learn to mix so that it sounds like fucking good and shit, not because I am slow. I've used over 100 hours on mixing that song, for example I re-mixed just the drums 8 or 9 times. The song is already on myspace, so my work on that is over, check out how corny it is :heh:

The project is called "The Stereo Addict" and is this kinda heavily influeced by 1980s tongue-in-the-cheek glam metal with Mötley Crüe esquee-artistnames (Jimmy Fugalot, Jack Danielson, Cocksman Jones and Andy Phuzzymagnet) and the lyrics are cheesy as shit! And check out our promopicture below, we even have midgets on it! :lol: I am the big guy on the right and I played the drums.


So just to get that song out of my head I recorded some bluesrock with a bit of a palm muted twist :headbang: The guitars are my Ibanez Artcore into TS9 into EQ and Studio Devil BVC.


But how about you? When you get tired of writing heavy metal (or whatever you usually do), what do you record to let off some steam?
I play a lot of different kinds of music I suppose. It really matters on your taste. I've also had the opportunity to record several types of bands: Punk, Folk/Indie, Prog Rock, Death Metal and Alternative. I also do some acoustic stuff of my own and write whatever comes to mind. I suppose you just need to try new things. It should be natural, just enjoy it and you're on the right path.
Phase Transitions and Tipping Points

Every now and then I try to write with no genre "goal" if you like, weird shit happens, generally ending up being a mix of all sorts of things. But lots of fun, and I think this one sounds it.

ambient, sorta orchestral music with slow funk drum & bass grooves

no clip on me here at work but maybe I'll post one later from home

Looking forward to hearing that!
i try to make trip-hop and fail miserably, and it was always funtimes recording my funk/sludge/drone/ambient/jazz/whatever band. horrible recordings from a horrible college studio but oodles of fun none the less.
Here's a couple of song I did with my girlfriend at the time... She was a very talented singer... I guess she still is, but things didn't work out. I guess it's pop ? Trip hop ? I don't know... (Lyrics don't make any sense though)
Before getting into recording, I used to be a composer, the only thing that people outside France may have actually heard from me (and it's a long shot) is the intro theme to Freak Kitchen's bonus DVD that was sold with Organic.
ok I have NO idea how this will sound. This is the only one I can find on my pc, I guess I burned the others to a disc that I just don't feel like digging for at the moment but for those that were interested here ya go ...

this one is called "Dreamcatcher". It was my little therapy experiment with getting my head cleared of a bad mix. Funny how the damn tune still makes me smile :)

Me loves midgets in band pics. :saint:

When I am really tired of mixing stuff it is usually because of the human part of things so I once composed some "disco black metal" songs, or "discOre" and it's 100% non-human played. The sounds sucks a lot though, I tried to put 1 metal drum + 1 techno drum and instead of toms I put djembes. :p The result is very medium, I will re-do them with nifty samples in the future. And the mic is my sister's camcorder in which I whispered and it created some kind of distortion and then I inserted many weird things in it. And the guitar is a minimoog plugin + a clean guitar vst with distortion, before I knew about Wagner and LePou and impulses.... enjoy if you can. :p

Here's a couple of song I did with my girlfriend at the time... She was a very talented singer... I guess she still is, but things didn't work out. I guess it's pop ? Trip hop ? I don't know... (Lyrics don't make any sense though)
Before getting into recording, I used to be a composer, the only thing that people outside France may have actually heard from me (and it's a long shot) is the intro theme to Freak Kitchen's bonus DVD that was sold with Organic.

Wow good stuff!!
Ok, when i have plenty of time i deal with some kind of cinematic hans zimmer dont know what stuff. (by the way i´m no nightwish fan, but it could be bit sounding like it it:)). Some kind of the rock (movie) riffs. I have made non guitar tracks too, but this is one i´m a little bit proud of. All done with edirol hq orchestral, ezdrummer and ampsims.

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/929252/Orchestral 1.4 (M).mp3