When image and music don't meet


Anssi Tenhunen


Metal / Rock
oh brother, is this how theyre being marketed now? in fuckin department store glam? i've always thought they sucked, but at least before their punk rock image matched their music. it obviously didnt work beyond the novelty of girls screaming and playing guitars, so now they've been re-packaged and put back on the shelf.... pathetic
I really liked their album "Oracle", fucking heavy and raw as fuck, the rest I never cared for. That chick on the left is hot, me want

Oh yeah, that droopy eyelid really gets my blood pumping :lol: (but otherwise yes, she's slammin, and I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and guess that it was just poor blinking timing for the pic, rather than her being a stroke victim :D) I think the one on the far right is my fave; she may be making a bit of a "rrr big scary lesbian" face, but I think she'd be pretty if she turned that frown upside down :D
Damn, 'Sorrow I Know' on their Myspace is killer, serious Daylight Dies influences there I think. Sounds wicked, other 2 songs are shit.

Image is terrible.. the one on the left looks like her hair is shopped on. Dunno wtf happened there..
hope my wife NEVER EVER knows they're back. She really like this band i am not in the mood to listen to this shit every day on the car on the way to her job. Marilyn Manson is enough already.

Btw, that chick on the far right looks like Damien. The chick at her side reminds me of the way some porn 'actresses' look just before doing a blowjob. Interesting.