When it comes to metal...

|ngenius said:
I've attended to many live performances that require drugs to maintain some coherence all along the show, unless you wanna realize at a conscious level what you paid for. :p

*haha* I try to visit only good gigs, and the very majority of it was, so no problem with that. Can´t go to that many gigs anyhow, some money restrictions, and too lazy too spent so much time in a car every time; so I save it all for favourite bands, or just bands that I really truly like. I unfortunately don´t have the means to just "try out" bands that often.... If something annoys me, it is rather the audience :erk:
fireangel said:
If something annoys me, it is rather the audience :erk:

Yeah, I understand. I hate those times when some people feel themselves in need of demonstrate how tr00 metalheads they are, and take about 5 square meters around them in the process of headbanging. The pushing habits are quite bothering as well, it's not precisely my passion to invest part of the concentration in keeping my own equilibrium in order not to fall and die under some hundreds of people. :err:

|ng ( :rock: )
|ngenius said:
The pushing habits are quite bothering as well, it's not precisely my passion to invest part of the concentration in keeping my own equilibrium in order not to fall and die under some hundreds of people. :err:
absolutely agree. And what I hate most are those people who arrive at the first song and then trying to get into supersqueezed first row or such, with lots of brutality.. :/
Nothing against having fun at a gig, but I don´t find this needs to include the hurting of everyone around. :Smug:
And "gothic-chicks" (there are nice goths/metalheadz aswell, for example me ;) ) who make their ways by stepping on other people´s feet if they don´t move away from their costly good place.. But I noticed it depends from country to country.
Prog Power Europe was SUPER-RELAXED event, only nice people and the northern festivals are fine, extreme and party in a way, but not so violent. But some other venues in Germany I was, there it is just terrible.. :(
@fireangel: Well, I remember a show where I was one step far from fighting with an asshole who intended to gain quick access to the first files in front of the stage. That incident aside, and I can't remember anything so much violent, mainly because I'm pretty big and the fear factor helps most of the times. ;)

@Erik: You're pretty skilled at bringing the very essence of... of it all just posting smileys. :p I don't know about the others, but I got it all, your words were really moving! :grin:

|ng (Who doesn't know how to bring any message at all)
Erik: I am glad everyone is free to do what he/she wants. :) :dopey: And of course I know that many of the bands are drunk themselves, or becoming it while being on stage.

Just think about the nice chemical drugs of the techno-scene, or the "love the plants"-movement within the rastas... At least I am interested to keep as many of my braincells working as possible, after all I have some more interests besides music and want to perform well in them (and earn my living). So I don´t shoot myself out at all the gigs... But everyone else feel free to do so. :p
Anyways, drinking is for many people rather a social habit than a true need for alcohol.

EDIT: the only thing I basically wanted to say, and Erik tried to ignore :p is, that there is no natural relation between metal and alcohol, because alcohol is drunken for many purposes and independent from music style. It´s actually the same as the invented connection between listening to metal and killing people or such ;) You know, every one with long hair being a criminal.. that way...

|ngenius: I am not very tall, and that doesn´t really help :( But I have my methods to not drown and often get in first row ;) (which have nothing to do with doing harm to anyone..)
surely not all those who are into metal drink alcohol, like not all those with long hair are criminals. still, in both cases those who fall into the first category and not the latter are a disgrace to their own kind. :grin:
I think my thread was blown a wee bit out of proportion. It was not meant to be serious, as I do not drink much alcohol myself. I like a nice 'latte' when listening to metal or any other form of music.
MardyAss said:

I know certain danes in here know what this god-drink is.
FUSCKIT!!!!!! BJØRNE BRYG!!!!!!11 Goeste go!

Pity the strongest BJØRNE BRYG we get in Sweden is 7,3 vol% while I hear you Danes get 8,0. I am quite envious, but still BJØRNE BRYG is the beverage of choice to get (un)suitably drunk for little money.

fireangel said:
Erik: I am glad everyone is free to do what he/she wants. And of course I know that many of the bands are drunk themselves, or becoming it while being on stage.

EDIT: the only thing I basically wanted to say, and Erik tried to ignore is, that there is no natural relation between metal and alcohol, because alcohol is drunken for many purposes and independent from music style. It´s actually the same as the invented connection between listening to metal and killing people or such You know, every one with long hair being a criminal.. that way...
Heh, I understand what you mean really, you know. It just struck me as being a very funny thing to say, considering that most metalheads (that is, people who'd consider themselves metalheads, none of those short-haired wusses sitting around at home in training overalls listening to Opeth :grin: :grin: :grin: ) really like drinking. I think it is fair to make the generalization that averaged, a person listening to metal drinks more beer per year than, for example, a hip-hop fan. That's just how it is. Has nothing to do with the music. Except, of course, if you consider Tankard.