When was the last time your life experienced a dramatic change?

Well since you're offering...

There's a line for that, buddy.:p

On the topic, I would say three years ago about this time. At that time, I had gotten out of a bad relationship and things looked like they were going south. It was also around that time that I started writing for Metal Coven, which is now Metal Psalter. Since then, I've had opportunities to go out to some festivals and meet some new people.
I would say right around December 08 or the beginning of last month. i realized one morning that i had escaped the shackles of physical drug addiction, i was creating music for the first time in years, and that i had a beautiful girlfriend who has helped me change my life for the better. basically things are back on track, but through all of my misfortunes i have realized that change is the only constant. you are all right.
last april when my mother passed

ps - what's up with all the finding-myself pinkage threads lately?

get laid or something
you just now had sweet potatoes?????
brown sugar is your friend. I shake his hand while dining on orange goodness.

I'm not acknowledging the years of Thanksgiving sweet potato mush I've endured, or taking into account my recent infatuation with sweet potato fries, merely I believe this is the first time I've had it in unadulterated tuber form.