When will "The Great Dag" realease an new album?

Dan M.

Nov 16, 2008
I noticed yesterday that the great Mr. Dag Swano posted three new songs on his my space site. I thought they were all great!
This question is for you Dag: When will the new solo album be available?
I am just itching to send you some money, so please say that you will be releasing it soon!:heh:

Am I the only one here that enjoys the Dag solo albums as much as the Nightingale releases? I thought "Fonster" was a incredible album. :worship:
Thanks for your kind words !
I have a new album finished called "Permafrost". The new songs on MySpace is from my next album. I love making music but im lazy selling it :lol: Now you gave me a kick in the ass so it´s time to update my "sell page". I have a few N.G boxes ready for sale as well.
I´ll let you know on the forum :headbang:
Dag's latest release, "Permafrost", arrived in my mailbox today!

After only one listen, I am just as impressed with the new album as with all of the previous releases.
Although, you cannot beat "Fönster", what a great album!:headbang:

There are lots of great guitar tones and great solos as well. Not to mention the fantastic synth parts.
Especialy the synth and guitar solo on "Maten tystar mun". Wow! This album is EXCELLENT!

I recommend this release any Swanö fan whom likes prog-rock.

Thanks and keep the fantastic releases coming our way. Dag, YOU ARE ON FIRE! :hotjump:
Dag, I also received my cd... (just acouple of days after payment... so that would be a week ago... or more)
It's great... and my daughter found the cover very fascinating... she tried to eat it up right away!

smaklig platta!! :D
After Listening to "Permafrost", several times, these past couple of weeks,
I've had time to take the whole album in. I really think this particular
Dag Swanö album is just as ROCKING as his other releases. Not as
progressive as " Inte som andra barn", all the way through, but just
enough, which makes me listen to it over and over. Dag has done
an excellent job with all the instruments, and an excellent job with the mix!
Fabulous album Dag! Keep making the ROCK!:headbang:

By the way Dag, did you play acoustic drums on the album or
electronically program them? If they' re not acoustic
they sure sound like it!