When's the new Giant Squid gonna be released?

This band needs a two-pages thread. At least. Awesome shit right there, and I'm glad I stumbled upon such a winnar just after having been let down by Isis in the worst fashion imaginable.

Does anyone else here spot some serious similarities to Maudlin of the Well's double-release?
I remember hearing a lot about this band before on RC, and I checked a song or two of theirs out, but I can't remember how I felt about them. I do know one of the songs I heard was awesome though.
Listening to a track from their myspace right now, I don't hear any resemblance to MOTW/Kayo Dot (btw, finally heard the song from their recent split vinyl...weird even by their standards) but I do hear some vague similarities with Hammers of Misfortune for some reason...
Demonspell said:
Listening to a track from their myspace right now, I don't hear any resemblance to MOTW/Kayo Dot (btw, finally heard the song from their recent split vinyl...weird even by their standards) but I do hear some vague similarities with Hammers of Misfortune for some reason...

must be chicks ... the HOM similarities.

this track I am listening to on TER is pretty fucking good.

Nate is officially my favorite reco duder on RC ... :kickass:
Yeah, I was also thinking the female vocals, but that track had an epic feel that also brought to mind some songs on The Locust Years (which I'm still playing regularly, Scalzi or not nearly every song has moments of greatness.) Of course, being reminded of HOM = Sold! for Giant Squid.
jimbobhickville said:
mine was ordered 2+ weeks ago and has yet to arrive. I think moving to New Jersey was a bad idea for The End.

Mine took over 2 weeks as well. It just showed up the other day, post marked 9/8, so I'm betting yours will be there any day now. I'm hoping this is just a small hiccup for them.
Very awesome album indeed. Saw them live once a while back, and missed them the last time they were in utah a few weeks ago (Death Angel and Venom were more important).

Great music.