When's the new Giant Squid gonna be released?

This is incredible, my co-album of the year with Agalloch. Time will tell if it's not even better. Gaymazing :notworthy
Dev said:
This is incredible, my co-album of the year with Agalloch. Time will tell if it's not even better. Gaymazing :notworthy

My list so far:

1. Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain
2. Giant Squid - Metridium Fields

I heard this album, liked it.

Then I didn't like it for some reason.

Now I'm kicking myself.....this is stunning stunning stunning. "Metridium Field" is better on the 5th listen than on the 4th and on par with the 3rd, not quite so good as 2nd, better than the 1st.

"Ampullae of Lonrenzine" could be one of the greatest songs of 2006.
Agreed. I'd go with Summit too.

The album is amazing but lacks one awesome,epic, monstrous track other than the last one. 'Revolution in the water', despite its Neurosisian awesomeness is the weakest link imo. Another track between that one and the title-track would have been nice.. That or something else. Still very solid and one of my favs of last year at this point. I've got a top 5 for 2006, all #1. 5 or 0 masterpieces? :loco:
Summit is beyond supreme. That mellotron / organ thing they've got going is fantastique.

So anyway, this awesome awesome band is playing in NYC at the end of the month. Lower east side bitches!!

This band absolutely blew me away live. I enjoyed their performance over Agalloch's.

must. see. Giant. Squid.
Forgot this damn band existed until moments ago when I was reading about the Abyssal Zone.

Currently peeping their latest from a few years back, and feeling rather giddy.

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