Where can I buy Anthrax stuff now? Fanfire doesn't have it on the site!


May 12, 2002
Visit site
I am lookin to buy an Anthrax baseball cap, but I cannot find any sites that sell the damn things. what the hell?!?!

Ebay never seems to have any and fanfire apparently removed all their anthrax stuff for some reason. Does anyone know of any other sites that carry anthrax stuff?
I just hope they get an Anthrax hoodie soon. Cause i am holding out a couple more weeks to see what the new merch is, if there isn't a hoodie, i am just going to get a Megadeth Hoodie.
Wu, any word on when the new merch will be available? OR atleast if there is a hoodie?
Parviainen said:
Where i can buy Judge Dredd or Among The Living t-shirt? They didnt sell these iin Finland.

They had a nice Dredd T-Shirt for sale at Donington this year (Sorry Download) trouble is I meant to get one but my money had transformed itslef into beer by the end of the day! Doh! Regretting that now! Anyhow that helps you none!

There are some shirts on e-bay - you just gotta keep looking! Usually the vintage stuff too! I piced up a nice SOWN and Dreed T of there!
When I saw Anthrax in Colchester, UK. they had loads of different designs of T-shirts. They had Dredd, Among, Squad number type with names, pic of current line-up with Charlie giving horns, hoddies, one for the slimmer type of lady.There may of been another type but cant remember. I couldn't make my mind up so I brought 2 but could of brought more. Great merch indeed.
Mickenglanduk said:
When I saw Anthrax in Colchester, UK. they had loads of different designs of T-shirts. They had Dredd, Among, Squad number type with names, pic of current line-up with Charlie giving horns, hoddies, one for the slimmer type of lady.There may of been another type but cant remember. I couldn't make my mind up so I brought 2 but could of brought more. Great merch indeed.

Cool :cool: . I hope i can get Dredd or Among shirt from somewhere.