Where do I change my avatar?


Oct 10, 2001
I can't find the place to edit my avatar, which is the little picture next to the nickname. Can anyone help me?
On your profile buddy, there's the option to change it, it's easy to find and can't remember how's it called, but if you have any problem say so again and I'll check it directly
Haha, I think this might be the 2nd or third thread EVER on this forum. I was the first person to post after Niklas :P
We should have another moderator. It's a good idea. That way if I ever get banned, I'll have more people to beg to un-ban me.... Um, yeah. :p :)
And I do believe Rahvin said that the board needs no mods :eek:

oh yes:

Originally posted by rahvin
i don't find the idea of a moderator exactly brilliant either (if that's what anyone of you meant anyway:) ).
let's finally show to the world that dt fans are not a bunch of pimpled-faced teenagers without a single living brain cell. if we don't insult or needlessly flame each other, and come down hard on all troublemakers (but on spoilsports too ;) ), we might make it.
there's just one rule, and that's rule 1:

rule 1 - if you don't like some stuff by dt, never, ever, for any reason, tell it to this forum. :muahaha:

[that was a joke, ok?]


Originally posted by Gums
And I do believe Rahvin said that the board needs no mods :eek:

i had to think again about the pimples. :lol:
however, i've been asked to do this, so don't complain to me :p

as for the bans, nobody needs worry about my temper (?) : such a decision would be a collegial one. :)

Originally posted by mousewings
We should have another moderator. It's a good idea. That way if I ever get banned, I'll have more people to beg to un-ban me.... Um, yeah. :p :)

I am most pleased and grateful that you should nominate me (however implicit the nomination may be) for moderatorhood. Rest assured, I will never ever ban you, Mousewings.