Where in holy fuck can I get Deathspell Omega - Si Monument-son, Circumsize?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I just checked a bunch of distros, no dice. Anyone? Fry? Bueller? Cheers.

EDIT: Okay I just found my CD-R from Opeth17 which is good enough for now, but I'd like to support the movement, youknowwhatI'msayin? This is only the second time I've spun it, the first time was at least a year ago, and I didn't make it all the way through, but I knew there was something special to be had.
Asphyxiate Records sometimes stock it, but no luck right now.
Don't order it from Norma Evawhateverthefuck, too expensive.
Ask Decadent.
NADatar said:
This is only the second time I've spun it, the first time was at least a year ago, and I didn't make it all the way through, but I knew there was something special to be had.

Go to track #7, "Third Prayer", and listen through to end of album. That last third of the album is really the magic that seals the deal. Seriously unbelievable.
I must say with all my fanboyism that this album is too long. FACT. Now when I'll look on the lyrics (someday :lol:) maybe I will not say the same.
I didn't even think to check Aquarius, cheers. :zombie:

I tried to order it from Moribund, they's be outsa stocks's's.
Oh good! :erk:

We'll see, I've never ordered from them before (got other shit, not Deathsmell) but I know a few around here have had good luck.
Maybe they're just so evil that they every so often slip in a completely wrong CD or leave off half an order. You know, every 1000th customer or some shit.
More like 666th am I rite.

Redstream is my personal Bane of Things Mailorder. They sent me the wrong Drudkh CD once. My token black friend ended up with that, I don't think he ever listened to it. Then another time they sent me an extra Blut Aus Nord CD. Erik ended up with that, he didn't like it.
NADatar said:
More like 666th am I rite.

Redstream is my personal Bane of Things Mailorder. They sent me the wrong Drudkh CD once. My token black friend ended up with that, I don't think he ever listened to it. Then another time they sent me an extra Blut Aus Nord CD. Erik ended up with that, he didn't like it.

They've done that to me before, as well. Thusly no more ordering from red stream for me.

Out of stock. Been addicted to the CD-R and iPud files and now I feel GUILTY. Sorta.
maybe distros finally learned it's crap and thus stopped selling it. though distros do tend to stock crap, so im sure it'll be in soon.

or you could just waste your money at www.ehavoc.com since they have it

or better yet, buy better, older black metal