Where is Gallery section ?


Iron In The Soul
Apr 1, 2002
Hello folks. Long time no see. What happened the the Gallery section ? I used to check out "our girls" latest pics from their shows.

PS: There is a rumour that Jenny has left The Iron Maidens.

Perhaps you could email one of the band members,and they could answer your question as best as they can.As far as the gallery,and links section being gone I think that is due to the site being re-done,and is still going to be worked on from time to time.So the gallery,and links should be back eventually.
Sabbathking said:
Perhaps you could email one of the band members,and they could answer your question as best as they can.As far as the gallery,and links section being gone I think that is due to the site being re-done,and is still going to be worked on from time to time.So the gallery,and links should be back eventually.
You are correct Sabbathking:) . We're still not sure about the gallery though. We may decide to post only our latest pics: pics from the last show will be replaced with pics from our latest show.Since we've played so many shows, the gallery was getting too big and out of control.

The Gallery and links both got too overloaded so some streamlining was definitely at hand. We were getting so many requests to trade links that if we added everyone's link we would have a list about a mile long so we decided to streamline it big time. There will definitely be a gallery again, like Wanda said, but we gotta get some new pics to put up first. :)
Linda... I've still been meaning to send you guys a cd of my pics from New Years! Not sure if the ones I took on your camera were good or not but between the two there should have been some good shots.
PS: There is a rumour that Jenny has left The Iron Maidens.

Up until this time we have tried to keep things under tight lip to avoid any uncomfortable feelings that might be involved in this matter until we had things resolved and things calmed down a little regarding some recent events on this board. We have been getting questions from a lot of people about this subject and just want to confirm what you may (or may not) have heard. Jenny Warren is no longer involved with the Iron Maidens. She announced her departure to us in the middle of recording our tribute album, (thus the recording is still not complete at this time). After paying tribute to Maiden for over 4 years, she expressed a need to focus more on her personal and child's needs as we can fully understand and completely respect. We wish Jenny a happy future and all the best in whatever path she chooses. FEAR NOT Maiden lovers!!! The Iron Maidens will continue to pay homage to our favorite band of all time, Iron Maiden! We hope to have your continued support! It is, after all, all about the MUSIC!!!!!!!! Spread the word!!!!! Up the Bloody Irons Baby!!!! Stay tuned for details on what's next...................:headbang:


Thanks for the info! :)

Best of Luck, Jenny, in with family, work and music!

And keep it rolling, Maidens, we can't wait to see you in Utah again some day...you're videographer awaits!
