Where is Tommy and Johan(SW) on this board?


Jul 9, 2008
Calgary Canada

Hey Andreas:

How you doing. You must be pretty busy, considering you work with ICD's in a hospital(if I understood one of your posts correctly) and are a professional musician as well.

I dont see any posts from Tommy or Johan. Are they busy with family life(kids), and/or work(firefighting)? It would be good to hear from them here as well.

Your band has made amazing amounts of progress, which is amazing, unless Sweden has changed since the time of early Yngwie. Yngwie in an interview said that Sweden was harsh because people there tell you cant do things. I am in no position to judge whether this is true or not, or course. He said he went to the United States and wasnt expecting to do very well financially, he just wanted to do what he loved. Obviously this is a very different time period, and yet your band is obviously successful.

Your compositions are quite complex. Im not exaggerating. I hope your management and record label promote you heavily in other countries where demographics research would favor a recognition.

Keep going with all that work and hours of practice and ideas.

Hats off.

Cheers from Calgary.

Zach Hoban
Hey Andreas.

So what does Kyrt think of Jens Johannson and Vitalij Kuprij?

How do ya all keep track of all those key changes in your songs? What's the logic behind the key changes?
There is no apparent "logic" behind them, but we usually feel key changes are necessary to keep it interesting and to challenge the listener.

The key changes are usually just done by choosing what sounds the best to our ears -usually after vivid discussions! :heh:
You are some intelligent dudes, Andreas.

"what just sounds good to our ears". Wow. That's a lot of work judging from the comments in which it sounds like the band debates each sequence of tones. Im still dumbfounded by the tones, notes, sequences.

Did you train formally in counterpoint theory?
No, at least not me. I know Johan and Kyrt have had some music theory but that was ages ago and I don't believe they've studied counterpoint and more advanced stuff like that.

Personally counterpoint is just so cool that I try to write some stuff like that every now and then, albeit on a child's level as comapred to how it is "supposed" to be done and was done by the classical masters.
Right on Andreas.

This fact that you are not formally versed in counterpoint makes the tunes even more amazing. I have studied music theory at the college level and know of modes and stuff and its is quite interesting to follow your music.

On tour with Circus Maximus in November in Italy, eh?
Italy was the land of my grandmother, specifically Napoli. My dad's side is irish and Lithuanian.

Lei come stai, signore? Dove io casa!!! Affare fatto!!!
