Where is Troyanasy?

Well, you'd be the first to notice. I dissapeared for 36 hours once, and my family never asked where I was. (Just wandered off and ended up at a friend's house.) Only happened once, but I question them, as I was 14.
family is just something that you get with your birth, it doesn't mean that they deserve you at all or that they have to be first on your life priorities list.
Hmm, true. Still have thoughts of killing my sister though, horrible little cunt. Not that I would, though. A waste of my valuable time.
I know, I know. :) I have better things to do than slay those who aren't worthy of the honor, hahaha.
Why spend 25 years in prison when you can learn to play guitar during three of those?
And you can disembowel all the goblins/christians/trolls/etc you want without fear or reprisal.

Common sense? oh, that stuff where you're supposed to be aware of what you're doing. My parents claim I don't have any. HAHAHAHA ;)