where the fuck are they now ???


Dictator of Laughter
Mar 28, 2004
Bold Savage Land ENGLAND
Billy as the book 'raging bullshit' still aint hit the book shops (well adult book shops...only ones i go in!!)...could you tell us die hards where all the old school m.o.d dudes are serving time now?? As i see Anthony Ferrara is now gracing these boards (got any fucked up stories on him Jabba??)..but what ever happened to..

Katrina "the bitchin' babe" Astrin
Ken Ballone
Jim Gordon
Tim McMurtrie
Scott definatly NOT Ian
Keith Davis
Alex the Greek
John Monte
Jon and Marsha
Louie Svitek
Tim Mallare

Oh and all of satan's cronies....

nik said:
Billy as the book 'raging bullshit' still aint hit the book shops

So NO fucker knows ? heh ?...
English politeness....alway's answer a reply when no one else has....it's the nice thing to do..I could be sat in my 1 bed bedsit, in dirty sheet's, rockinn back and forth, listerning to an old c90 tape of KISS, praying to the day of a response...miss work,not picking the kids up from the social worker,un-washed for ten day's.........OH HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME???

YOU HORRID CUNT'S :waah: :waah: :waah: .

AV A GOOD WEEKEND & give a stripper an extra $20 from me...
The lone mosher......
To answer your question about where all the past MOD members are, well I can only speak for myself.. I am alive and well living in Reno, NV, where I am a DJ and the Producer for the morning show on our local Rock station, Rock 104.5 FM in Reno. I am also playing with a few local bands, doing production and engineering, etc. You can follow me on FB, and G+


Billy as the book 'raging bullshit' still aint hit the book shops (well adult book shops...only ones i go in!!)...could you tell us die hards where all the old school m.o.d dudes are serving time now?? As i see Anthony Ferrara is now gracing these boards (got any fucked up stories on him Jabba??)..but what ever happened to..

Katrina "the bitchin' babe" Astrin
Ken Ballone
Jim Gordon
Tim McMurtrie
Scott definatly NOT Ian
Keith Davis
Alex the Greek
John Monte
Jon and Marsha
Louie Svitek
Tim Mallare

Oh and all of satan's cronies....

To answer your question about where all the past MOD members are, well I can only speak for myself.. I am alive and well living in Reno, NV, where I am a DJ and the Producer for the morning show on our local Rock station, Rock 104.5 FM in Reno. I am also playing with a few local bands, doing production and engineering, etc. You can follow me on FB, and G+

Where the fuck've I been, you mean? Its been like FIVE FUCKIN YEARS since I've been here. Time flies like a bitch. But I bet I'm here cause Nik posted. I've always liked Nik. (And hated Jerry.)

Quiet ain't the word for this place, but I can't believe Uncle Billy's got a new M.O.D. record coming out! Since his last record "Red White And Screwed" was a sales disappointment -- even though its just about his best work ever, and I have it permanently loaded in my car's CD changer -- I supposed that was IT! for M.O.D., and Billy'd do new things.

Just last night, I was hanging out with an old friend, and we were flipping through youtubes of Billy's stuff, like SURFIN' M.O.D., with comments like, "Man, I haven't heard this since I was a teenager in the late 80s."

Today, I casually glanced a Facebook and BOOM! Hellfest, an audience of 80,000, and Uncle Billy talking up a new record!

What can I say? This is frikkin awesome!
:) That picture still creeps me out though. You ever wonder what happened to that character ?
Sorry for my absence, I can't access this site from my new job.

Welcome back everyone!

I'm looking forward to hearing the new M.O.D. album. Glad Billy and guys are writing new material.:kickass::worship::rock:
Where the fuck've I been, you mean? Its been like FIVE FUCKIN YEARS since I've been here. Time flies like a bitch. But I bet I'm here cause Nik posted. I've always liked Nik. (And hated Jerry.)

Quiet ain't the word for this place, but I can't believe Uncle Billy's got a new M.O.D. record coming out! Since his last record "Red White And Screwed" was a sales disappointment -- even though its just about his best work ever, and I have it permanently loaded in my car's CD changer -- I supposed that was IT! for M.O.D., and Billy'd do new things.

Just last night, I was hanging out with an old friend, and we were flipping through youtubes of Billy's stuff, like SURFIN' M.O.D., with comments like, "Man, I haven't heard this since I was a teenager in the late 80s."

Today, I casually glanced a Facebook and BOOM! Hellfest, an audience of 80,000, and Uncle Billy talking up a new record!

What can I say? This is frikkin awesome!

Hey man, good to see you here!!!
To add my two fucking cents, I have finally seen a M.O.D. show!!!! And talked to Billy himself.
:) That picture still creeps me out though. You ever wonder what happened to that character ?

Which picture? Are you talking about Bloody Chainsaw Man, or fucking McCain? If you mean Despres, this is the last news about him, some time in 2013:

"The families of Gregory Despres’ victims say the notorious killer continues to haunt them. Despres has been granted a hearing next month that will determine whether he can be moved to a facility where security isn’t as tight."

"Security not as tight?" Sounds like fucking "Silence of the Lambs" to me!

But if you're talking about McCain, here's the latest on HIM:

"In April 2013, GOP Senator McCain at an Idlib, Syria Terrorist Gathering Pledged US Money and Weapons to Ex-US POW Ibrahim Al-Badri of the “Free Syrian Army,”an Al Qaeda Leader Then Already Among Washington’s Five Most Wanted Terrorists with a $10 Million Reward on His Head; McCain’s Moderate Democratic Protege Badri Was Simultaneously Emir of ISIS, Styling Himself Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, and Now Claims to Rule the World as Caliph Ibrahim of the Restored Caliphate — So Why Hasn’t McCain Been Indicted?"

Why, indeed? Looks like crazy Bloody Chainsaw Man is a much less threat to society than a U.S. Senator. I say, let Despres go free!
BOOOOOOOOOOOO! KenBallone 9 years for a response lol, Hello Chaps ! I've finally got board of Jenna Haze artistic visual displays ;o) Hope your all well?