Where The Mist Resides :]!!!


New Metal Member
Jul 15, 2010
Local band, mine. :) We are from a small town, we are looking for more fans ;]!!! A LOT more fans. Cause we are looking to get signed, and be VERY committed to what we do :]!!! We sing about all kinds of different things and have over 20+ songs that we do not share with anyone cause we are a unsigned band. We don't want our music on the web before our record company signs us. Cause we want to make you pay ;] hehehe only 3 songs from our first EP are on the web. You can find them in the links below, and find pics of us, and info about the whole band and pretty much all about us :D!!!! I really hope you like us, we're not really the brutal kind. But we hope it's brutal enough for you guys :)

Bandmix,(info,songs,pics)--- www.bandmix.com/wherethemistresides/

Myspace,(not much info,songs(if the player is working -__-), and pics)---- www.myspace.com/wherethemistresides/

I recommend going to the bandmix page. Send me a message here, myspace, or bandmix :} We will gladly reply to any messages !!! Be a constructive criticizer but don't be an ass hole saying we look like "emo's" and shit, cause we are not... We get that alot.

ENJOY THE MUSIC--- Where The Mist Resides
I listened. Kiss Me With Your Eyes Wide Open is liek OMG SOOOOOOOO GOOD x-]-<

It's actually better than I thought it'd be, as in it's produced & played reasonably well, but the actual music itself is standard gayer-than-two-guys-fucking-each-other-up-the-arse metalcore with the most faggotty commercial choruses you could hope to hear in the genre. If there's enough popularity left in this fad they'll probably be huge for five minutes. I'm hoping they die screaming with sharp things in their heads before that happens though.
Nobody is raging about your grammar, you just come off as unprofessional. Also you come off as a bunch of emo's......and shit
We're not emo. We like the style, hair, all that shit. But we are not little cry baby pussys like you might think -__-.... Emo is a dumb ass stereotype that is made up by people by you. Which I , or any of my band members have any part of dude.
Everyone in my band is Bi sexual. All aesthetic, or agnostic. We're open minded. What's not to like? Don't judge us by looks. Listen to the music, and enjoy >:p :eek:
The Mist resided in Brazil, not fucking Atlanta, Texas.

(srsly, I'm Texan and have never heard of your town before)