Where to get a Mjollnir?


Amon Amarth Viking
Jun 11, 2005
Silent Hill

Any place online to get a nice one?
Maggot9 said:

Any place online to get a nice one?

if the one in the pic you posted is the one you want, go here.......http://www.viking-shield.com/
then click "jewelry/coins", then click "Thors Hammers", the pic on the Thors Hammer link is the exact same one.

it is the EXACT same one, it is the one I have and also have tattooed on my forearm.
I can vouch for the quality and service from Raymond's quiet press, in the link DragonKeeper posted. They're in the US, and his prices are good to, considering he makes all his own stuff.
Belgar said:
damn ... now I kinda feel stupid with my HomeDepot hammer around my neck.
No wonder I have been having neck problems as of late.

it can't possibly look as ridiculous as Flavor Flav with a big clock around his neck, just find a good chiropractor