
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
Fuck! i wrote a reply on this that was like a page long and it's fucking gone! wtf?

Yeah, the computer will eat your replies if you make them "too long" (according to their standards).:yell:
I need to vent cause im drunk or wahtever..

pro prima:the drummer of in flames should be executed!

pro secundo:pursuti of vikings is the song of the year!

pro tertia:Paris hilton is fucking ugly and in all probability she will remain so!
Tyra said:
He he! I'm working on it, but I am not perfect! Anyhow, Valkyrie, the mummies of the Taklamakan, Xinjiang and so on, to whom you are referring are much younger than the settlement of Scandinavia. Scandinavia was settled as soon as the permafrost retreated, something like 11 000 years ago, during the stoneage, whereas the Chinese mummies are about 4000 years old. The issue there is wheter the Chinese were the first to settle China, like they've always said, or if there were caucasiods living there before them. The Chinese have tried very, very hard to hide this controversy, including "losing" the mummies!

:) Thanks a lot!
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
I need to vent cause im drunk or wahtever..

pro prima:the drummer of in flames should be executed!

pro secundo:pursuti of vikings is the song of the year!

pro tertia:Paris hilton is fucking ugly and in all probability she will remain so!

Pro prima: I totally agree. :hypno:

Pro secundo: Pursuit, you mean, right? I agree.

Pro tertia: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but in this case, I agree. IF I were a man, which, thankfully, I am not, I'd rather throw a goatpelt over Mini Me and do him up the ass than do Paris Hilton. And I'm not even drunk. Yet.

Adendum: In vino veritas. Semper in faecibus sumum, sole profundum variat, et cetera.
Tyra said:
Pro prima: I totally agree. :hypno:

Pro secundo: Pursuit, you mean, right? I agree.

Pro tertia: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but in this case, I agree. IF I were a man, which, thankfully, I am not, I'd rather throw a goatpelt over Mini Me and do him up the ass than do Paris Hilton. And I'm not even drunk. Yet.

Adendum: In vino veritas. Semper in faecibus sumum, sole profundum variat, et cetera.

Fucking awesome, you såpak latin! or is it just a bunch of lain words? In wine varify. Always in faeses summon, sole profound variation, etc. It's funny how latin teacher consider their studennts to be calss higher than everyone else, like the standard bearers of civilization.

Has the In Flames drummer always been as sucky? I mean he really brings down the band even further, and theyre already at rock bottom.

I carved an ubside down cross in my hand Glen Benton-style. Am I metal?
Well, I don't suppose much has changed since the stoneage, when I went to school... They used to treat the latin kids like we were fucking geniuses, but the metalheads were shit. I used to show up for class every fucking day in black leather, studs, long hair and shitkickers (metalhead uniform of the day), spout off latin and pull all A's. Boy did that ever fuck with their heads!! It was also a great way to weed out the good teachers from the bad.
The latin quotes came from those days. In vino veritas I am guessing you know, the other one is somewhat of a motto for me, and simply states that "we are always in shit, only the depth varies".
In vino veritas= There is truth in wine (i. e. you're more likely to say what you really feel when you're drunk, as you were when you wrote the post). And you only have to give a rats ass about In God we trust if you do trust God anyhow ;-).
Tyra said:
Well, I don't suppose much has changed since the stoneage, when I went to school... They used to treat the latin kids like we were fucking geniuses, but the metalheads were shit. I used to show up for class every fucking day in black leather, studs, long hair and shitkickers (metalhead uniform of the day), spout off latin and pull all A's. Boy did that ever fuck with their heads!! It was also a great way to weed out the good teachers from the bad.
The latin quotes came from those days. In vino veritas I am guessing you know, the other one is somewhat of a motto for me, and simply states that "we are always in shit, only the depth varies".

Straight A's, wow. O just got my 'progress report card today, and got a german five in English (from 1 to 6, 6 being a fail). I got a 5 in Chemistry to, but i understand that, since i really dont understand shit... Anyway, English, my teacher is a communist really, and that's not just the paranoid conservative in me speaking, but he really is. Anyway, I wrote letters to all the film companies of the films he showed us in class sayin if hypothetically my teacher showed me a film in shool, what should I do. Good or bad idea, people?
i think its the german name for that movie about the last days of hitler's life. shit i forgot what its called in french, whatever, who cares anyway? :p
well i quite liked it... it was a little scandalous here cause people said it showed hitler with human emotions............................................ lol
cause people prefered seeing him as "der teifel (sp?)". it was nonetheless pretty successful.
at the end of it they talk about these nazis who died happilly of old age, and these people sitting next to me in the movies were like "pffffff, rhoooooo, grrrrrrr, tsssss..." :tickled:
Because the winner(s) of the war(s) write the historybooks. Stalin killed more people than Hitler. Pol Pot killed more people than the two of them. He died of old age in the jungle, surrounded by his devout followers. They have no oil in Kampuchea/Cambodia.The Americans never fought in that war, nor did they win it. Guess whose historybooks that is NOT mentioned in... Funny how that works.