Amon Amarth Necklace

Finally somebody understood what I meant.
I also don't wear Thor's Hammer, but that doesn't make me less a believer.

And to HaloSlayer: Don't take this too personal, but you should keep reading what I wrote. And what some others here wrote.

I read everything you wrote in this thread. I thought I responded to all your points. If there is one you wish me to address, please requote it.

My real point is this: There are too many things in this would you have to do, pay taxes, work and the such. I don't see any reason to dictate what people should or should not be wearing.

For the record my son likes the necklace and I am going to buy him one when he brings home good grades on his report card next week. I don't expect him to take an oath to me or anyone else.
But the band Amon Amarth did not even start out as a Viking/Norse Mythology band. I remember back in the 80s (whey they were Scum) they were completely different. Plus I don't believe the name Amon Amarth has anything to do with Norse Mythology. I believe it is the name of a mountain in a Lord of the Rings book. If anything the name Amon has more to do with Egyptian Mythology since Amon is thought to be the father of Horus (if I remember correctly). If I am not mistaken, Alexander the Great went to Egypt to the Oracle at the temple of Amon and was told he was a son of Amon. This is where began his belief that he was to become a god.

The House of Amon is what King Diamond called the house in which his grandmother would talk to the demons.

These are the only referrences I know of to the name Amon.

So I'm not sure the band itself has taken an oath to Odin. If they had, wouldn't they name themselves appropriately?

Horus is believed to be the son of Isis and Osiris. (others have put him as the son of Hathor and Nut, and Amon-Ra). Alexander when to the temple of Amon-Ra. Romans linked Amon-Ra (Amon-Ra is the sun-god) to Zeus. Alexander believed himself to be the son (others say reincarnation) of Zeus himself. Many kings of the time believed themselves to be sons of gods.
no, i didnt say anything, i wasnt really in this thread when he came along.
i came back a read something on a different topic, and he popped up and started making remarks, im not making excuses, but thats what i saw that happened.

i was exaggerating when i said everything, there are alot of things that HaloSlayer had said that i agree with... and some things i dont.
He is, without a fact, talking without knowing much, but thats ok, i do it a lot too, he is just using the knowledge he has, and predicting things, again, i do that too. All i said is that i found some of what he said
disrespectful, i didnt mean to cause all this ruckus, he also has an attitude with a lot of things, or maybe its just me.
it was a just a plain statement, there was no need for all of this.
To answer earlier questions, and skip a bit on the bitching to and fro... Yes, it's a band forum, but there's a sizeable chunk of folk of the heathen persuasion who are fans of the band. The guys in the band, well, no idea, never asked. They play good music and tell stories I like. Some people are a bit sensitive about their beliefs. I can understand that, a lot of stupid bullshit has been spread over a very long time. Obviously, I myself am on the laid back tip. While there might be some wrong ways to go about things, there's also a whole lot of right ways, and a man's relationship with the gods is his own business.

But as an aside, I don't think of a Mjollner as any kind of oath to the fetters. A lot of people who follow the old ways use it is a token of faith, analogous to the Christian cross, but it's in no way "Like a cross, only for heathens." Looking at it from a mythological/historical perspective, it's mostly worn as an appeal to Þor for protection, which isn't likely to do anyone any harm, unless perhaps they're an oathbreaker. I wore one I had been given for years before I had given any thought to the matter, and I'm not hypocritcal enough to give someone else shit for doing the same thing.
well i kinda agree with haloslayer, i even remember that johan said in an interview that amon amarth means mountin of doom, but if u want more details or stories ask a toklins fan, and i think the band isnt really pagan (or werent in the begining) maybe only johan whos really intrested about viking and history, and the rest kinda grow inside of them with time,

PS: dont quote me, thats what i think, and thats what i heard, again dont quote me, espically u phelice haha
Ya, Amon Amarth means 'Mountain of Doom' (in the old sense of 'doom', meaning fate) in Sindarin (one of Tolkein's languages). On the flipside, most of Tolkein's stuff was based off of Norse and Finnish mythology. Even Gandalf is supposed to be a kinder, gentler Allfather. ;)

I know way too much about too many mostly useless things. :p
I agree with you Bates.
i apologize for being so...ignorant.
like Bates, said, i am sensitive about my beliefs and i should of taken other peoples perspectives before i starting judging, flaming, or disrespecting everyones thoughts.

i do realize now, that it isnt really a problem for non-pagans or heathens to wear Mjollnir. i understand where you guys are coming from, and again, i apologize for be so close-minded and ignorant to other peoples thoughts. i now believe that it doesnt matter if you pagan or not, you can wear one, and no oaths are made. i apologize and take back everything, negative and disrespectful that i said.
Ya, Amon Amarth means 'Mountain of Doom' (in the old sense of 'doom', meaning fate) in Sindarin (one of Tolkein's languages). On the flipside, most of Tolkein's stuff was based off of Norse and Finnish mythology. Even Gandalf is supposed to be a kinder, gentler Allfather. ;)

I know way too much about too many mostly useless things. :p

Join the club, I've watched entirely too much history channel :-P
He is, without a fact, talking without knowing much, but thats ok, i do it a lot too, he is just using the knowledge he has, and predicting things, again, i do that too.

If you really wanted it to end, you should not use covert flames in your response. I don't want to come off as anti-pagan. I really don't care about any faith anyone might have. The verbage you use in the above statement may give you the delusion that you are somehow snubbing me. But you are, in fact (please take note that this is the phrase you would want to use in the future. "without a fact" makes no sense), again just making sweeping insults toward my posts. You, again, make no mention of any specific points that you believe I made without knowledge. I would ask you to please use the quote button and show me what you disagree with. It would be so much more constructive.
speaking about necklaces, in Fate Of Norns booklet CD, on the last page, where its the band picture, Johan (guitar) is wearing a weird necklace, what is it??? (from what i tried to figue it out, its viking ship, but dont know :S:S)
So, after much hemming and hawing, I decided to replace my homemade one with one of these:
You made you're own Mjöllnir? Does it bother if I ask you how? They're pretty hard to get here, and if I order one from outside, they rape me between the price and the cost of shipping, so I would like to make my own . And plus, I will have the proud of be wearing something made by myself :D