Amon Amarth Necklace is probably the simplest explanation of it. It'll take a few tries, but you really don't need much more then a regular oven to bake the mold, and some kind of flame source to melt the metal. For the investment plaster, I use a 50/50 mix of plaster of paris and silica sand (the really fine white stuff they use for tile grout). Plaster alone can get a bit too brittle when fired, the sand adds heat resistance.
A few more details and a pic are in
the Mjollnir i wear is quite small, but its pure sterling silver, tis suprisingly heavy when rest it in your hand, got sexay patern over it; only one bad point i was dissapointed to find after examining it quite closely under the loop hole which chain goes through there are tiny production numbers engrraved into the metal :cry: However i still love it :)
well hmm, i just dont know why i write this to ya all but if ya want a nice thors hammer / mjollnir visit this website there you can get a real hand made one i my self bought the gold one ^^ its really nice ^^ so check the page out its worth the efford and you can get a really nice peace too ^^
Well, I got one from Wodanesdag 2 years ago, and it seems I've become allergic to the material it's made out of. I always get rashes right on the spot where the pendant hangs on my chest. Looking for another one now...
Which one did you get? Can you vouch for the quality of the pendant from that site?

I got the silver one with the red enamel. I bought 2 last year for me and my friend. They are very high quality and very strongly made. I got them with the chain and somehow my friend's chain broke but mine is still strong and together.