Amon Amarth Necklace

i understand what your trying to say, but i dont agree.
its like false advertisement. pretty soon more people will be familiar with Mjolnir as Amon Amarth's thing, than what it truely is.
i dont mean to be rude or nasty, i just dont want that to happen.
i dont want the non-pagan community to taint what is ours...
if you want me to shut up, i will.
its just my opinon and i dont mean to upset anyone.
Well I agree with you that it's a shame this thread is called "Amon Amarth Necklace".
I'm not a pagan, that's those silly Wiccan folk. :p I'm a damn heathen!
But really, I do see your point, but people are going to do what they are going to do and I don't feel the need to get worked up over it. In my eyes, someone who wears it because of AA will at least treat it with respect, and that's good enough for me.
i actually found a nice one made of pewter from a local fair, me and my sister were shocked to see one in such a place.
I'm not a pagan, that's those silly Wiccan folk. :p I'm a damn heathen!
But really, I do see your point, but people are going to do what they are going to do and I don't feel the need to get worked up over it. In my eyes, someone who wears it because of AA will at least treat it with respect, and that's good enough for me.

Well I think its cool that metal bands "influence" their fans into Odinism and stuff.
But these guys who wear Mjolnirs without knowing its a symbol for Thor's hammer... it doesn't bother me really... I just find it quite ridiculous.
Once this guy was wearing one and I said "nice Mjolnir".. he answered "what?" and i discovered that he had no idea what that pendant was. Sure he wore it cause he thought it looked nice but geese... some people are just ignorant... I know guys who aren't heathen at all, nor are they into metal, yet they know what a mjolnir pendant is.
No "true BMer" mentality here, I'd just prefer seeing a fucking nazi wearing one who actually knows what it is than a guy who wears it in total ignorance.

And about the non-historic hammers. I think its fine and even recommendable to wear a more modern mjolnir. Art evolves, we don't live a thousand years ago anymore. We don't wear medieval tunics, so its fine to wear stylised modern hammers (not critisizing those who wear historic mjolnirs here... i'm all for it too, just saying that modern ones are just as "real", they represent the same thing).
And about the non-historic hammers. I think its fine and even recommendable to wear a more modern mjolnir. Art evolves, we don't live a thousand years ago anymore. We don't wear medieval tunics, so its fine to wear stylised modern hammers (not critisizing those who wear historic mjolnirs here... i'm all for it too, just saying that modern ones are just as "real", they represent the same thing).

Well said, and damn good point.
Ok, I'm beginning to believe I have made a mistake. Is this a site for the band or some religion? I like Amon Amarth music but I am certainly not dedicating myself to some cult. I went to an Amon Amarth concert at Jax in Virginia. It seemed to be a normal metal show. What does making an oath go Odin mean? I remember wearing slave bracelets and crooked crosses in the 90s like most metal heads. But none of us were going home and chanting and such. I think it is more of a poser mentality (or perhaps follower mentality is a better term) to wear something because some cult tells you to. Wear what you like. If you want to have a hammer hanging around your neck then do it. I personally don't care to wear any jewelry but that is me. I love how kids today go and buy some book at an incense shop and then declares everyone else who might have similar jewelry or clothing as posers.
1. It is a band forum, yes
2. Have you listened to the lyrics? Find out, what they are about ;)
3. Amon Amarth concerts are nothing like a "normal show"! Although I have never been to one myself which I regret, they are something special. Anyone here can confirm that :)
4. Making an oath to Odin means like if you become a Christian (I think it is better to say it that way, so you understand) and you say this stuff about giving your life to their God and blah, and christians use to wear crosses, and also those have become fashion, as well as some fashion kids do now think wearing Mjölna is looking "cool". But theres more to that than just being cool, think of it like wearing Mjölna = saying you belong to Odin, to say it in a easy way.
5. People who wear stuff just because it is fahion (or because everybody else has one) ARE posers in my eyes. No matter if is is a cross or Thor's Hammer or anything else.
I wouldn't say that those people are insulting those who wear stuff because they know what it means, but I feel like being contempted by those fashion kids.

If you don't believe in Thor, don't wear his Hammer, for any other bloody reason than what it is made for!

1. It is a band forum, yes
2. Have you listened to the lyrics? Find out, what they are about ;)
3. Amon Amarth concerts are nothing like a "normal show"! Although I have never been to one myself which I regret, they are something special. Anyone here can confirm that :)
4. Making an oath to Odin means like if you become a Christian (I think it is better to say it that way, so you understand) and you say this stuff about giving your life to their God and blah, and christians use to wear crosses, and also those have become fashion, as well as some fashion kids do now think wearing Mjölna is looking "cool". But theres more to that than just being cool, think of it like wearing Mjölna = saying you belong to Odin, to say it in a easy way.
5. People who wear stuff just because it is fahion (or because everybody else has one) ARE posers in my eyes. No matter if is is a cross or Thor's Hammer or anything else.
I wouldn't say that those people are insulting those who wear stuff because they know what it means, but I feel like being contempted by those fashion kids.

If you don't believe in Thor, don't wear his Hammer, for any other bloody reason than what it is made for!


Ok I will respect your view but I have a tee-shirt from Bush Gardens with a picture of the Big Bad Wolf. I don't believe in the Big Bad Wolf but I would still like to wear the tee-shirt, with your permission of course.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that most articles of jewelry have their roots in some faith or another. Crosses, hammers, suns, moon, stars, green clovers, purple horse shoes, rainbow....whoops. Sorry I was thinking of Lucky Charms. But my point is all ornaments probably mean something to someone. I don't think you have to make an oath to a fifteen hundred year old fairy tale in order to wear a necklace.

As for the rest of your post. I have been to an Amon Amarth show. It was a great show except for one of the opening bands (Sonic Syndicate) sucked so bad that I almost wanted to leave. And I also know the words to the songs. That is one of the reasons I love Amon Amarth so much is they are one of the few metal bands of this style that I can understand the words. I know they are mostly about Norse epic battles and myths. I can completely enjoy all of the songs without believing in Odin. Much the same way I can enjoy World of Warcraft without believing in elfs.

So have hard core pagans protested the game Halo because of the armor being named after Thor's Hammer? Just wondering.
Yeah I agree with that statement, HaloSlayer. I believe everybody is entitled to wear whatever form of clothing or jewelry they want. If you happen to believe in the God/Goddess's the item resembles that's your prerogative. As it is to people who don't follow the same beliefs or views. Everybody's entitled to their own fate and/or destiny. :)
You should keep in mind, the whole purpose of people wearing anything at all is for appearance. Many people wont bother questioning where the "hammer pendant" came from, as such nobody will think to themselves "Where did the shirt come from?" or "Where did the idea of a cross come from?". People figure, hell if it looks good on me, I'll wear it. If you actually know the meaning behind everything you're wearing right now, consider it a bonus.
What I meant was, who came up with the idea of wearing pants? Or shirts? There's really no answer to the questions, so somebody wearing a hammer-like pendant and not knowing its origin or meaning behind it, isn't doing anything wrong. It's all fashion afterall.

EDIT: And also, lets say I believe in Odin and all the Viking mythology, but I don't wear a Mjolnir - that doesn't mean I don't believe in Odin. Same with people who do wear Mjolnir's but don't know what it really represents.
But the band Amon Amarth did not even start out as a Viking/Norse Mythology band. I remember back in the 80s (whey they were Scum) they were completely different. Plus I don't believe the name Amon Amarth has anything to do with Norse Mythology. I believe it is the name of a mountain in a Lord of the Rings book. If anything the name Amon has more to do with Egyptian Mythology since Amon is thought to be the father of Horus (if I remember correctly). If I am not mistaken, Alexander the Great went to Egypt to the Oracle at the temple of Amon and was told he was a son of Amon. This is where began his belief that he was to become a god.

The House of Amon is what King Diamond called the house in which his grandmother would talk to the demons.

These are the only referrences I know of to the name Amon.

So I'm not sure the band itself has taken an oath to Odin. If they had, wouldn't they name themselves appropriately?
HaloSlayer, i found everything you typed rude and disrespectful towards me, and probably other pagans.