Where's our postcard from Paxoman?!


Dickie Davis


Didn't even think of us as he was sunning himself did he!

Was at least expecting a nice topless postcard or even a stick of rock! :lol: :

of course...what else could he have been doing?? hehehe Am going to my first ever Saxon gig next Friday, so have been listening to a tape of their music to get me in the swing of things...sounds good so far!!

You'll love it. They are a brilliant live band. If you are going on Friday check out Limehouse Lizzy as well, they are also really good.
Hope loosing you virginity goes well! ;)

Yeah, am looking forward to seeing Limehouse Lizzy too. I wanted to see Saxon 'cos they seem to be Paxoman's "first love", and I wanted to know what the "attraction" was all about, but the fact that Limehouse are playing with them kills two birds with one stone (I haven't seen them either), and it seemed like too good an opportunity to miss - I am really looking forward to it! Wow, seeing two "new" bands in one night - my virginity should go with a bang! Ooooeerrr!! hehehe I've been warned by Paxo not to wear anything "nice", 'cos no doubt beer will be spilt and moshing will take it's toll! Can't wait!!!

I'm back! Sorry about not sending a postcard Dickie! I was going to but.........er..........I couldn't be bothered! I'd like to say I feel well rested but.......I don't! I'm obviously too old for a weeks worth of drinking and not much sleeping! Nevermind, I can have a rest when I go back to work on monday!!! Weather was lovely though and even Mrs Paxoman got a bit of a tan!

Yeah I have informed 'er indoors not to wear anything "nice" cos you know what you Saxon fans are like! Hahaha........


Yes Filthy lecturus perverts! :lol: :

Or is that just me!

Yes Filthy lecturus perverts! :lol: :

Or is that just me!