Where's the best place to........?


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Where do you folks think is/are the best place/places to:

1. Buy a used car?
2. Buy a computer?
3. Store a dead body?
Would you store a dead body at a cemetary though? Surely it would be more of a 'finale locale' type dealy?

I think a decent sized domestic freezer would suffice :)
There's an excellent shop in Melbourne for buying computers.. I'll find you the name.
If you know what your looking for exactly, buy cars privately, and mke sure you carrying either a wad of cash, people are more willing to drop the price if you pull out a huge wad and say, "I've only got this 3 grand thats on me here" then they see it and get all excited, bingo,bout a grand off the car :)
1. Koich is right in a way (man that felt weird to say that, :lol: ). If You have cash, you can save yourself alot, and buying privately can be a hell of alot cheaper, if you are getting what you want. There's a few problems though, like no warranty ect. Theres heaps of great used car yards in Melb though....I bought my car from a place on Sydney Rd a few months ago for a great deal.
Also, look on www.trading-post.com.au ...I found that site very helpful when looking for used cars. Is a few other good sites also, but I found that one the best.

2. Computer expos. I would NEVER buy a new PC again after seeing first hand the savings you can make buying from a computer expo.

3. Well you don't want it stinking up the place, so I wouldn't keep it near the house unless it was in some type of freezer. You could just dump it out in the bush somewhere though I guess.
Ah good thinking! I'm after perhaps a 1990 Camry (me likes reliable cars). Thought I'd buy privately, but have never done it before.

If you could find the name, it'd be great, Sydo! There are so many places, I don't know where to start.

You're full of good information, Spiffo. :) One thing though, what if you don't want anyone to know you've got a dead body - what do you do with it then? See I've got this friend who...........
Blitz: you mean swap meets? or Expos? 'cos Expos only happen like once or twice a year. Swap meets, on the other hand, there's one every weekend.

I have found that prices at swap meets aren't that much cheaper than at stores (they are a little bit though), but you get way more variety in a smaller area.

Winmar, if you can build your own PC it'll generally work out cheaper than a new system with the same parts. Get a hold of Computer Trader, it's out every fortnight. I think it costs about $2.00 from newsagents, or you can pick up free copies from a lot of PC stores.
Well, I think I ment swap meets, but expos also, lol. :)

Your right there though, they are cheaper again to build yourself, but I have still seen PCs much cheaper to buy from a swap meet than from a store, and I'm talking like hundreds of $'s. :)

Winmar: that trading post site advertises for private sales and used car dealers. Is a great place to look.
Ah Blitzy, looks like you wrote your post at the same time I was writing mine. :) Do you not find that car yards charge a lot more than a private seller would? I'm afraid of being ripped off, cos I don't know a lot about cars. Ah yes, the Trading Post is excellent.

I might have to venture down to an expo or swap meet. I guess I'd better do my homework first though, eh?! If I build my own PC like that, would it be with new or second hand parts? If you buy from a shop, they give you a warranty, don't they? I'd just hope things wouldn't fuck up if I did it myself. My grandad always had problems with his PC.....I dunno, perhaps the parts weren't fully compatible with each other. Thanks phlog, I'll pick up Computer Trader!
I don't know much about cars either, but after looking and comparing prices of cars you see for sale you can get a fair idea of what particular models are worth. It took me about 5 weeks to actually buy my latest car after I started looking, but that was because I wanted to know what I was getting myself into, and what I should be looking for, whats good value, ect.

If you know what model your after (eg, 1990 Camry), then just look up on all the car yard sites to get a good average price, and look at private sales to see how much it varies, ect.
Ah good work! What are those cars like?

Also, I read that with Windows XP, you can only use it on one computer. Is this true? If so, is there any way of getting around it? If my memory serves me correctly, my friend in Indo burnt me a copy of it before I left......will I be able to use it?

In case anyone hasn't noticed, I'm back in Melbourne now. Yay!
I have a pirated version of windows xp and I can still download service packs, and it was free. Plus I'm about to start running linux to, cos I'm a geek.

The car you need Winmar, is a Vr Commodore, best fuel economy to power ratio of any commodore,and plus, parts and cheap and every basterd knows how to fix em. Mines pretty reliable, all the problems it's had have been a direct result of me being a dickhead.