WHHoOOOA I just completely ran out of energy


Nov 9, 2001
And! My eyes have clouded over with this weird white mucus. I can hardly see!

PS I didn't sleep last night, got back this morning from NYC at 7 AM and went to work. I felt great until like just this second and now I need to curl up in a corner. (nap in a men's room stall)

PPS. I hate Ruby Road

PPPS. Gatorade is 2 for 3 bucks in Greenwich CT.
Unfortunately I have been commanded to never get Miso Soup around here because apparently all the Japanese places are actually owned by Koreans who are pretending to be Japanese, because the Japanese would 1) never cook that way and 2) never associate themselves with Korean food.

Meaning basically that it's not real Miso Soup, it's Korean-pretending-to-be-authentically-Japanese Miso soup.

well, you can always make it.
p.s. and that's true. the japanese place across the street from here is korean owned and they do messed up stuff to their gyoza that i will not bother to type out.
even if a japanese person showed you how????? my martial arts instructor asks me to make it for him now since he thinks mine is better.
maybe that's because he's wicked old tho... :/
totally unrelated, but where does chai tea originate from?
i swear i used to make a drink as a kid of a similar flavor- basically just milk, honey, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, whatever else i found.

while all the other kids were riding bikes, i was making chai knock-offs.
i was a chunky kid.
I have also heard Indians get infuriated when people say "Chai Tea." They say it's Chai. Not tea.

So maybe I will go across the street to the Korean place and order some Miso Soup and some Chai Tea.
well, i know my instructor said cha means tea, so when people say 'can i have bancha tea' they are saying it twice. maybe it's the same with chai? just a guess...
preppy, do you use bonito flakes in your miso?

there is a korean place and japanese place right near each other in fierce competition (they both serve sushi and miso) right near my house. and the two guys who work at Asahi look japanese. so i'm going to assume they are Tr00 Nips fighting the losing battle against the Koreafication of Japanese restaurants.
i like korean food tho. but i am more used to japanese food since i eat it almost entirely.
i dont like kimchi tho. my dad makes it. it stinks.