Which Amon Amarth shirt should I get?

If you want to support the band, order rather from the metalblade.de shop. At least a percentage goes to the band there, on these other sites that sell "licensed" merch nothing goes back to the band.
sites like jsr are bootlegging the band merch they sell?
The band Merch sites such as JSR have to buy the merch from the label (ie: metal blade). Which means the band will get some sort of cut if metal blade are selling their merch, otherwise that is the label ripping the band off not the "customer".

And no, JSR sell all legit merch, no bootlegs, i got my Kreator hoodie and amon amarth zip up hoodie and hypocrisy shirt from there and it's all 100%.

If yo're in the US and dont want to order from europe i'd recomend JSR for some good shirts.

Fuck after 2 days straight of partying i can still make sense of some of the shit i say hah.

thanks for clearing that up, that's what i always figured.

sites like catacombs or rockabiliia have to get their stuff from companies like metalblade or jsr, so they're no less legit that any indie music shop that is selling amon amarth cds to the fans. (obviously these stores aren't the ones cutting the royalty checks, so in a sense it's the same for the merchandise stores)

i was a bit stunned to see andersson state they don't get paid for any of that stuff.

i would also hope that if the guys spot any fakes that they'd do something about it and get it taken off the web!