Which Black Metal Band Are You?


Well, I'm not surprised...
EdgeCrusher77 said:
Limbonic Art is one of my fav black metal band, they really kick ass (kicked is better cause they split :( )
Word. They were a truly elite band. Have you heard Dimension F3H? It's Morfeus' new band. Quite excellent actually, but it took me a while to realize that.
David Å. said:
Hello brethren Vintersägen and Frostheim. That's the whole band, right? I want to be Grutle.

Hahaa! Nope, I'll be Grutle, because I'm more look-a-like.. :tickled:
"I hate that the furnace doesn't seem to work anymore"

So true now...

*hasn't been able to take a shower in water above 35 degrees fahrenheit since Wednesday*


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