Which cd-burner would you recommend?


Mar 11, 2005
I need a good cd-burner so i can burn my bands next demo,alot of people recommend Plextor burners(Are they really the best and which model should i look into?i would prefer an external unit, but not if it means i´ll be compromising with the burning quality)
I also need some quality printable cd´s, any suggestions?
I always hear good thinks about plextor!
The are differences in CD-Rs too. My old Yamaha CD Player is very choosey! Varbatim always works fine with it...
Go with Pioneer, not too expensive and very good quality. Dunno about in Denmark but over here, it's only £25 for the DVR-111DBK model. And what do you mean about compromising with the burning quality?
cobhc said:
That will be either the drive, or the cd-r's it's not because of using an internal drive.

Yeah i know that, i would just prefer to have an external drive if it´s possible without sacrificing quality, i must admit that i´m not the biggest geek when it comes to computer hardware, so i´m really not up to date on how good certain cd drives are nowdays, it seems that the external drives are more expensive than the internal is that a correct assumption?
metalizer said:
Yeah i know that, i would just prefer to have an external drive if it´s possible without sacrificing quality, i must admit that i´m not the biggest geek when it comes to computer hardware, so i´m really not up to date on how good certain cd drives are nowdays, it seems that the external drives are more expensive than the internal is that a correct assumption?

Yeah external drives are more expensive. Dunno much about them as far as good makes though. Heard of Lacie, but had no experience with them.
I don't even think Plextor makes their own drives anymore. I believe all their new drives are rebadged Pioneers. I think the only compaines that make their own drives are NEC, Ben-Q, Pioneer, Lite-On, LG, Samsung, and BTC.

I would recommend an NEC to everyone. All their drives get great burns on about 98% of the media out there.
I have heard a number of times that plextor drives are the best when factoring in error rates. As a matter of fact if you look on a lot of mastering house's webpages you will see them mentioned.

Plextor PlexWriter Premium CD-R/RW Drives
Plextor PX-712-A CD/DVD+/-R/RW Drives
I will second the NEC recommendation - great overburn, never coastered a single disc, insanely fast, and cheap as fuck - over here I'll find dual-layer DVD-/+R at 8x or 16x for under $50.

chadsxe said:
I have heard a number of times that plextor drives are the best when factoring in error rates. As a matter of fact if you look on a lot of mastering house's webpages you will see them mentioned.

Plextor PlexWriter Premium CD-R/RW Drives
Plextor PX-712-A CD/DVD+/-R/RW Drives

Yeah, their actual CD-R Burners were fantastic, but thats when they made their own drives. Unfortunately they don't anymore.