Which city in Canada has the most concerts when the bands are touring


The L O N G E S T member
Aug 16, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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I'm moving to Canada next month, I wouldn't move to a city where no one goes ("metal-ly" speaking), so please tell me which city has the best scene in Canada. Righ now I'm tempted to go to either Toronto or Montreal.

BTW: Canadian Metal RULES!!!
Into Eternity
As far as SymX goes, I believe they've been to Montreal more than they've been to Toronto, but they have played in both cities.
It doesn't really matter which one you go to, when bands tour Canada they more than likely go to both cities. Although, sometimes bands skip Toronto and go to Montreal, and some skip Montreal...

But both cities get their fair share of concerts.
Depends on how intense you want the crowd to be. Here in Montréal it's totally insane. In the Iced Earth show, during Bodom's set, it was almost too much.

So how has it been? This is your first tour of North America. How’s it been going? How has the response been?

So far it’s been really impressive. We had 1,500 fans in Atlanta kicking ass, and Montreal was one of the best shows on the tour, something between 1,800 and 2,000 fans, and they were all totally crazy. You have a feeling like this in the shows that you only usually get Brazil and Spain! It was crazy - they nearly crushed the venue! (laughs)
(from http://www.metal-rules.com/interviews/BlindGuardianToronto.htm )

I kinda like it when I can headbang and sing some without having people throwing themselves at my face. But it's alright when you're almost next to the stage though...