Which Egyptian God(dess) Are YOU?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Djehuty
You are Djehuty (Thoth)! Djehuty is Ra's vizier. He is the brains behind just about everything. He can talk anyone into anything in the myths. He is quick-witted and intelligent. He is portrayed as an ibis, a baboon, or a man with the head of an ibis. His animals are the baboon and the ibis.
Djehuty 95%
Bast 90%
Sekhmet 90%
Amun 80%
Hethert 80%
Wesit 75%
Bes 75%
Aset 70%
Set 70%
Nut 70%
Nebthet 70%
Heru-sa-Aset 70%
Ptah 60%
Serqet 50%
Yinepu 50%
Nit 40%
Wepwawet 35%
Heru-wer 30%
Ra 30%
Seshat 30%
Not totally surprised about Toth, but being so close to both Bast AND Sekhmet!
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Djehuty
You are Djehuty (Thoth)! Djehuty is Ra's vizier. He is the brains behind just about everything. He can talk anyone into anything in the myths. He is quick-witted and intelligent. He is portrayed as an ibis, a baboon, or a man with the head of an ibis. His animals are the baboon and the ibis.
Djehuty 95%
Bast 90%
Sekhmet 90%
Amun 80%
Hethert 80%
Wesit 75%
Bes 75%
Aset 70%
Set 70%
Nut 70%
Nebthet 70%
Heru-sa-Aset 70%
Ptah 60%
Serqet 50%
Yinepu 50%
Nit 40%
Wepwawet 35%
Heru-wer 30%
Ra 30%
Seshat 30%
Not totally surprised about Toth, but being so close to both Bast AND Sekhmet!