Which Hypocrisy Cover do you like mostly?? And Why....?


New Metal Member
Mar 29, 2004
Which Hypocrisy Cover do you like mostly?? And Why....?

My Favorit Cover is The Hypocrisy Selftiteld....because It represented ther Music exactly, I Think! :kickass:
Self-titled. Like you said, it looks like their music sounds. The alien (as in best) stuff anyhow.
sverige said:
My Favorit Cover is The Hypocrisy Selftiteld....because It represented ther Music exactly, I Think! :kickass:

Thats also my opinion :) I also like the two other covers with alien themes on it (The Arrival and Abducted).
I also like Into the Abyss very much because it represents the sound of the record very good.
TheFlameout said:
Thats also my opinion :) I also like the two other covers with alien themes on it (The Arrival and Abducted).
I also like Into the Abyss very much because it represents the sound of the record very good.

I´Think so, too...!
i think the arrival is the worst. it makes me think of some old black and white movie with plastic alien suits. the other alien themed ones are way better, abducted is my favorite.
The Arrival..that cover rules, one of the reasons that made me pick it up in the shop in the first place! Can't say I was a least bit dissapointed, it's a great album. Wicked lyrics, wicked guitars, the whole thing!