Which Hypocrisy's Cds do I have to buy first?

For starters, you'll wanna buy all of them. =). All the suggestions above were pretty dead on. . The 10 Years of Chaos and Confusion, is really good because it has 6 re-recorded versions of older tunes that may be a turn off to "some" because of the production from when they were originally recorded. I really love the self titled Hypocrisy album, The Final Chapter, Abducted, and Fourth Dimension. It's odd to start on live albums but, the sound is so good on Hypocrisy Destroys Wacken, it's a great best of in my oppinion. They all rule!!!

I think the last 5 albums are the best, cause theyve got this atmospheric thing going, especially Final Chapter. Im not really into the straight forward Death that are on Penetralia etc. But if you are, get that one :)

Edit: The 5 im talking about is in chronological order: Abducted, The Final Chapter, Hypocrisy, Into The Abyss and Catch 22.
"Ten Years of Chaos And Confusion", but the best Hypocrisy album is "Fourth Dimension"
Abducted and the self-titled are both masterpieces, and any CD collection becomes better with their presence. A good starting point would be 10 Years of Chaos and Confusion if you are unsure. Here's a breakdown to help you out...

Penetralia - pretty standard early 90s death metal, good for the time.

Osculum Obscenum - standard early 90s death metal with a little bit of the atmosphere later Hypocrisy would bring.

4th Dimension - very good, the first album that defined their sound. Lots of atmosphere, keyboards, but still very firmly rooted in death metal.

Abducted - The greatest metal album since Megadeth's Rust In Peace, this album is KILLER. Lots of shred and mid-tempos, lots of different vocal styles to keep everything fresh and diverse.

The Final Chapter - Take the sounds of Abducted and expand them a bit, my only problem with this album is it doesn't flow as evenly as Abducted and the self-titled albums do. Shred, mid-tempos, slow, moody, etc. However, it has my favorite Hypocrisy song, A Coming Race! :)

Hypocrisy - Take the atmosphere of the mid-tempo moments from Abducted and make an album out of it. Sheer perfection.

Into the Abyss - Written and recorded in under a week (so I have heard) and sounds like it (no, not a bad thing). Pure raw aggression, sounds like the first two albums with only a slight bit of the atmoshere they came to be known by.

Catch 22 - I don't care what anyone tells you, this is a good album. A little more toned down, especially following Into the Abyss, but still pretty aggressive.

Hope this helps!

Oh yeah, and no I do not have Destroys Wacken just yet (I know, I know, blasphemy), but everyone tells me it is outstanding.
Hail Kids,
Yesterday I bought "Abducted".It's great!I like it very much!
I'll buy soon another one...."Hypocrisy"?...I think so!

Thanks a lot for your help,you are great!

More metal to all!!

Cheers,The Hammer
Hehe... i still like Into the Abyss very much :)

Originally posted by NAD

Into the Abyss - Written and recorded in under a week (so I have heard) and sounds like it (no, not a bad thing). Pure raw aggression, sounds like the first two albums with only a slight bit of the atmoshere they came to be known by.

I don´t own to many Hypocrisy CDs (yet). So Iv been looking for tips at this thread to (gonna buy "Fourth Dimension" and "Abducted", thanks guys). But I think the best-of album "Ten years of chaos and confusion" is a perfekt start! Atleast it got me into Hypocrisy :cool:
Into The Abyss has the best riffage as well as their best melodic songs. Sodomized is fucking crazy. Adjusting The Sun and Inseminated Adoption from The Final Chapter are also incredible. Can't really go wrong with anything Peter related.
I have not heard all hypocrisy... just penetralia, abducted, the final chapters, hypocrisy, into the abyss, wacken and catch 22.. out of those my fave ewould have to be abducted or penetralia.. those two are great..