Which interface to get for small recording needs


New Metal Member
Jan 22, 2009
Hey folks,

I'm getting into this recording stuff lately and as money flows into my pocket at the moment, i'm in need of a good preamp interface/ audio interface. Maybe you can help me out with your experience with all the hardware, which just confuses me.

whatever i don't need more than 2-4 Mic slots and nothing of superior quality. i'm recording vocals and acoustic instruments, such as flutes, guitar and so on.

the price range should be around 200-400 € for some decent home studio quality! i'm sorry if you read this question way to often but i couldn't find any useful information for me!

all your help is appreciated!

thanks in advanced guys!
Blecchh, not me, way overpriced for what you get from it IMO! So for the second time today...



yea sorry metaltastic for repeating all this stuff but this guide just tells me what i should consider if i buy such interface not the hardware aspect.

i could buy a box with 2 slots... sure but some of you guys have tried several pieces and may be more experienced on what to get for the money. so my question is related to those who could say "yea i'm convinced by this interface, because .." :)