Decent iOS Interface (live use + recording)


Mar 7, 2006
Mannheim, Germany
Hello Folks,

I want to start using live samples, so I'm looking for a decent interface.
I want to use my iPad 4 with an Interface to play the click & stereo samples (want to have the possibility to use stereo).

I'd like to have an Interface, with which I can reamp + record a few vocal track.
I don't need 8+ inputs. 2-4 good ones would be better. So no 99$ Interface. ;-)

The following candidates sounded interesting to me, but I'm not that sure, if it works well with the ipad (except the duet):
-Focusrite Scarlett 18i8, 6i6, 18i6. Here I am totally overwhelmed because I have no plan of Focusrite in terms of quality and features.

-RME Babyface. No experience, but it has a good reputation. Disadvantages: relatively expensive.

-Apogee Duet 2- Advantage: Good quality / preamps, developed for use with an iPad. Disadvantages: relatively expensive.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not stingy, but I'm (and my bandmates) are unsure, if it's worth to spend 200-300$ more for the Apogee/RME.

If one of you guys is using the same setup, it would be nice to hear your experiences.

Cheers, Markus.