Interface upgrade Duet 2


Jun 17, 2003
Canary Islands Spain
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Hello there, i have been thinking about upgrading my audio interface, i'm using a maudio firewire 1814 in a macpro with logic. The first interface that came into my mind was the rme fireface 400 but recently i have been in a shop where a guy was using an apogee duet 2 and it looked great to me. I just use one input at time cause i,m a one man band :err: ... So the inputs number is not a problem.
Do you guys thinks that this will be a good choice? My doubt is just

1 the ad-da converters, i supose that it will be better than my firewire but not sure about the rme.

2 the lack of digital input inthe duet which i use for the axe fx.

Opinions are welcome.
All the best, Manuel.