Which overhead mic would you choose?

I love my NT5s. I haven't used them solely as a hat mic, but they're wonderful overheads. They don't have the harsh highs that plague many inexpensive SDCs. (C1000s, I'm looking at you...)

They're excellent on acoustic guitars and as an additional mic on a guitar cab as well.
On the ride-bell I pretty often use the 414XLII it's ok but definitely not the best mic for that purpose, I recently used the Neumann TLM193 for ride and that's way better.

I wouldn't recommend using the c1000 for anything cept maybe as a butt-dildo for some emo-bands (hey, they should feel comfortable in your studio).
As I said I' m using km184 for OH and I LOVE'EM!
I used to use 451 for hats and they're really good, although I'm looking for a bit more mid-range-dirt'n'bite for the hats....perhaps I'm gonna try a sm7 next time.
it's perfect


it's even available in "ebony"
