Which Preamp do YOU recommend?

Im a little torn now between the DMP and Daking. Leaning more towards Daking only cause I can get Daking from a retail store and if anything goes wrong I can return it if I dont like the sound without to much trouble...

Its SUCH a hard decision.

You should be able to find a dealer that will allow you to try out both the DMP and Daking. Just talk it over with your sales guy before hand.

Good luck and let us know what you go with.
No Chandler TG 2? People keep swearing by them... But what do I know?

If there was a single channel version, that might fit into OPs budget. It's a great preamp (we have one in the studio).

There is the Germanium Preamp/DI but that + the PSU would probably stretch the stated budget a bit too much?

I would still probably go with the Mico as well... :)