Which studio?

Wow, I really never knew that they recorded SW and Hatebreeder in Astia Studios. I always thought it was Abyss.
Yes, I just read it... that's why i said that I didn't know they recorded them in Astia. I thought it was abyss until they said astia and then I checked!
Well. It's not as famous as Fredman and Abyss, but that doesn't matter I guess. I think the sw and hb sound good. technically. hatebreeder better then sw of course... evolution.
I would like to know if COB would have gone into the Abyss studios again if Peter Tägtgren would still produce. He said he quit producing and closed the Abyss, but now his brother Tommi is the producer in the Abyss. Peter said that he would still produce some bands which are friends of him like Destruction or Immortal. Marduk just finished their recordings for their new album in Abyss.
Only "Follow the Reaper" was recorded in Abyss, Laiho has said in a lot of interviews that he think FtR ended up not sounding as he had liked, and maybe thats why they'd choose to record in Astia Studios again. Even Bodom's early demos (when Bodom was Inearthed) were recorded in Astia Studios, but then it was (from what I've heard) only a small demo-studio...

BTW, Here's Astia's homepage: http://www.astiastudio.fi/
Originally posted by Zarok666
Peter said that he would still produce some bands which are friends of him like Destruction or Immortal.

Peter has enough money to pick out the bands he like and produce them!

Also, Hatebreeder is the best Metal-Album of the world! In my faves it is on the top before Metallica!
Great produktion, great sound, COB at its best!
I can hear Hatebreeder every time, and I'm never bored!
I can remember that Alexi said that Peter is a nice guy but he was always busy with other things when COB did recordings in the Abyss. Peter was always on the phone or talking with some other people and he couldn't concentrate full on the production. Maybe this was another reason why COB went back to the Astia studios to record with Anssi Kippo again.

I would like to know if they will re-record You're Better Off Dead because they always did it with their singles which were released before the album (except Downfall). I think the production of the new single was good but I hope it will be a little bit more powerful on the next album. I mean it's COB. They only deserve the very best.
Well, I like the sound of FTR more than the sound of Hatebreeder and I think the album version of Hate Me! is better than the single version. But opinions are like assholes: Everybody has got one. :D

And I read somewhere that COB wanted the sound of the double bass drum (ok, Jaska uses twin-pedal) on FTR not as agressive as on the Hatebreeder album. But the new stuff should be much harder than FTR, so maybe they add a little bit agression again.
Ill just be happy when I have the cd in my hands hhahaaha :-D
say now that they are signed to a new label.. Universal.. I wonder fi the japan and korean releases and all the others will ALL be the same?!!?!? Because since its one label producing it all it just may all eb the same shit... and that would kind of kill my fun because I enjoy collecting bodom stuff and where is the fun in it if all of the imports have the same shit ya know..... whats everyone elses opinion???