which to keep - blue voodoo or valve king?


beat defective
Sep 12, 2008
hey guys.

i've decided it's time to sell one of my amps. i have a peavey valve king, and a crate blue voodoo. both heads, both 120 watt 6L6 amps.. (i didn't realise that when i bought the second one.. hah)

which one do you guys think i should keep? aesthetically, the valve king is in better condition the valves haven't been used much either.

the blue voodoo isn't in such good condition. the valves are a bit old (not had them changed since i've had it) and the input jack needs some sort of solder work (which i should really get round to!).

the plan is, sell an amp, gut a 2x12 i have in my possession, re-tolex it, and add some celestion speakers, and use that for my recordings!

which one should i sell? or maybe i should sell both? any feedback is much appreciated.
i played the bv a few years ago at a shop for about half an hour, and i really liked it back then

so i vote "keep the blue voodoo"
haha, i was half expecting this thread to sink!

thanks for the feedback guys.

personally i did think about selling both.. it seems if i want to do anything serious it's gonna be what i have to do.. :/

which brings me to my second question. how the hell do i ship something as heavy as one of those?! i'm in the UK, if that makes a difference.
