white scrunchies = not flattering on guys

preppy I'm going go to go get some of those things today. I've recently tried doing my hair "half up" (which I think looks sorta good. My sister said it looks good too..!) and the thing that's in my hair now pulls out SOOOOO much.

Where do I get them? I don't know anything about hair stuff.
So apparently that Scuni stuff is high quality stuff. I was out with my sister tonight and

"Hey Scherry, I was looking into hair ties and there's this real good kind that doesn't pu--"
"..yeah. N-"
>They're all I use!
"Can I have one?"
firedwarf... glad you found some. trust me the snag proof no pulling hairbands make a huge difference. my hair is just at the point where i can sort of put it up again and i am going to have to buy a huge bag of them.

i usually just get them at cvs or duane reade.

greg: i asked around, you are certainly one of the rare few scrunchie users, that's for damn sure.
Firedwarf said:
So apparently that Scuni stuff is high quality stuff. I was out with my sister tonight and

"Hey Scherry, I was looking into hair ties and there's this real good kind that doesn't pu--"
"..yeah. N-"
>They're all I use!
"Can I have one?"
Your sister sounds *psyched*.
last night my roommate and i had a conversation about guys and their weird attachments to their hair (ie, guys that grow their hair long, but DON"T TAKE CARE OF IT). i am glad greg is at least taking care of his damn hair.
i wore a scrunchy for like a week when i had my long hair. it got stares.

i also wore one of those u-shaped headbands for a while. i'm not sure exactly what i was thinking?
I totally rocked a headband at some point in my life while playing sports and trying to grow my hair out.

But thankfully that stopped by the time I turned 16.