I actually am probably one of the few that already knew these guys :) (other than Paul, who seems to know every unknown band from the weirdest corners of the planet :P ) Alex can vouch that I had them on my iPod earlier this evening when we read about the announcement on our way home in the train :)

I like them :)
Kijk deze White Walls live video van Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia:
Hello everybody!

We are VERY excited to be playing ProgPower this year! You can't imagine our joy when we received the e-mail from Rene. And it only got better later, when we saw that In Mourning and Long Distance Calling (two bands that we like a lot) are playing on Saturday too!

So, on behalf of White Walls, I'd just like to say hello to everybody again, and a BIG "thank you" to the organizers. We'll be posting more around here in the following weeks.

All the best!
Șerban-Ionuț Georgescu.
We'll be sure to hang in the castle! As for partying, if you haven't heard the saying "party like you're from Romania" yet, well, guess we'll have to coin it soon!