White Willow - Storm Season


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
White Willow – Storm Season
The Laser’s Edge – LE 1038 – 2004
By Jason Jordan


White Willow, on Storm Season, utilize enough instruments to fill a small ocean liner. In other words, the sextet have set out to accomplish a monumental feat and – though quality glares through at times – the band doesn’t quite reach their lofty goals. However, the group does prove that they have unused potential.

There are seven tracks on Storm Season, and most tend to be rather lengthy. Like I said earlier, there’s a bevy of instruments present on this release such as guitars, bass, drums, keyboards, tambourines, cellos, glockenspiels, and it actually shows. Female vocalizations, performed by two different women, commandeer the vocal forefront, although a male does enter the foray at one point. I hate to give a band suggestions, but I think some “darker” vox (growls, shrieks, sinister clean vocals, et al) would work wonders as long as they’re combined with the atmospheric approach that they’ve already mastered. Not to mention, the album lagged in places, and I greatly desired faster tempos from time to time. To shift though, I can easily say that most bands fail to creep me out but “Chemical Sunset” and “Sally Left” are downright freaky. That’s what I was most impressed with: White Willow have the envy-worthy ability to create atmosphere at a moment’s whim, or so it seems. If you read the lyrics, you’ll notice that this record is a concept album, which makes sense when listening to an opus like the flashback piece “Endless Science.”

Storm Season is, at the least, very interesting. If the musicians further their abilities and get the mood just right, the metal world might be in for a huge surprise when the next album drops. Then, I’ll finally be able to exclaim, “It’s a great day for a…White Willow


Official White Willow Website
Official The Laser’s Edge Website