

Having just received the copy of their new album "Good To Be Bad" I've given it a brief scan so far. I ask you for your favorite Whitesnake album? I'd say as far as consistent albums I'd have to go with either Slide It In or Whitesnake. The latter was polished and did feature some poppy tunes but I can't get enough of "Crying In The Rain," "Bad Boys," "Children Of The Night" and "Give Me All Your Love." Maybe it's because those two albums introduced me to the band that's what I think. You?
My favorite of the two is the self titled album. It's a classic for me. You are right, there's a whole lotta people that were introduced to the band by that album alone. It was such a phenomenon. Even David admitted that if the S/T album had not been a success, he was going to call it quits. The album exploded and the rest is history. They have always been David's project and he's been blessed with great musicians in all his albums. One of Rock's finest voices, no doubt. They've had good records but nothing as consistent as that album.:headbang: :worship:
Hard to pick a fave, but I love all things Coverdale & Whitesnake from his first two solo albums up to & incl. 'Slide It In'. The '87 album is good, but they/he lost what was great to me about Whitesnake - the bluesy stuff - and become a little different animal. 'Slip' was not good for me, and they ruined one of my fave WS tunes 'Fool For Your Loving' with Vai's version. I much prefer the earlier version from 'Ready An' Willing'...much bluesier.

I guess it would depend on what era of WS you became a fan, as to what your fave album would be. I can see those who maybe came in on 'Slide It In' or the '87 album not liking the earlier stuff as much.

For my money it damn hard to beat the line up of:

Edit: Oh yeah, I also much prefer the original slower, bluesier version of 'Cryin In The Rain' from the 'Saints & Sinners' album.
I've checked out a few songs on their new album. Damn good. Coverdale can't really hit the high notes anymore but he does good with what he has. Very 80s in sound, if he tuned it up about 2 steps and had his old voice, you'd swear it was recorded in 1989. :headbang:
For my money it damn hard to beat the line up of:

Same here, I only own those with Paice and Lord plus "Trouble" which was a gift.
The '87 album was a bit of a disappointment with me too when Coverdale decided to go with a more "modern" sound. Good for him though, most people didn't even know who Whitesnake was. That album made him a ton of cash. I prefer the bluesy Snake myself.
My favorite would have to be either Come an get it or Slide it in.
By the way, I've been hearing good things about the new album so I'm looking forward to that.
When is your review coming out on it Sixx?
The '87 album is good, but they/he lost what was great to me about Whitesnake - the bluesy stuff - and become a little different animal. 'Slip' was not good for me, and they ruined one of my fave WS tunes 'Fool For Your Loving' with Vai's version. I much prefer the earlier version from 'Ready An' Willing'...much bluesier.

For my money it damn hard to beat the line up of:

That's my EXACT opinion and as much as I like 1987 (the album) it's kinda generic 80s stylewise - I much prefer their own niche with the lineup mentioned above, one of the best rock lineups ever! Not to mention the rhythm section of Murray-Paice, really a heavenly combination, the whole band grooved so well with them...

And I TOTALLY agree with the ruined Fool For Your Loving, where the hell did that awesome groove and bassline disappear?! They just straightened the whole thing and drowned it in reverb :puke::bah:

My favs - Ready An' Willing + Lovehunter + Trouble
Not just the lineup but Martin Birch as well! :worship: :worship: :worship:
I've given the new one a once through and its actually pretty good IMO, not enough bluesy feel of Slide It In which is my all time fave Whitesnake as well.

The best track on Slide is easily "Love Ain't No Stranger" for me.
I discovered I didn't have "Lovehunter" and I decided to give "Slide It In" a chance so I ordered both.
Cool. I've been looking for older stuff and picked up Saints and Sinners and Lovehunter used on half.com...

Yeah I should have done the same, but I order "Lovehunter" from another online provider, well I ordered the new Firewind too, so I made a haul.

It's a very expensive album in most online stores, I wonder why. "Saints And Sinners" is great and I like better the original version of 'Here I Go Again'.
1987 for me. What does everyone think of the '97 album Restless Heart? It's more of a Coverdale solo album really (released as Whitesnake only because of label pressure) and it's pretty awesome bluesy hard rock. Lineup's Coverdale/Vandenberg and... whoever.:lol:

I'm surprised of the positive reviews the new WS is getting! I have to say my expectations towards the album have risen quite a lot.
I have '87 & Saints and Sinners. Self titled kicks ass but Still of the Night and Cryin in the Rain are all I ever listen to now adays. Sykes did a killer job on that album, some of the best pop metal riffs and guitar sounds out there.
What does everyone think of the '97 album Restless Heart? It's more of a Coverdale solo album really (released as Whitesnake only because of label pressure) and it's pretty awesome bluesy hard rock. Lineup's Coverdale/Vandenberg and...

I thought Restless Heart was sterile and Coverdale showed his age on that one... only a couple of noteworthy tracks on that record...