Whitney Houston

The Rev. Al Sharpton said he would call for a national prayer Sunday morning during a service at Second Baptist Church in Los Angeles.

"The morning of the Grammys, the world should pause and pray for the memory of a gifted songbird," Sharpton said in a written statement.

I saw someone's comment on facebook being along the lines of "Holy shit, she was still alive?" That would sum up my reaction.
"It's hard to choose a favorite among so many great tracks, but "The Greatest Love of All" is one of the best, most powerful songs ever written about self-preservation, dignity. Its universal message crosses all boundaries and instills one with the hope that it's not too late to better ourselves. Since it's impossible in this world we live in to empathize with others, we can always empathize with ourselves. It's an important message, crucial really. And it's beautifully stated on the album." - Patrick Bateman
She died on my birthday...I went to the bar which of course was playing Whitney Houstin - I put in 5 bucks in the internet jukebox and got my money's worth.
Rush - Hemispheres (the song)
rush - 2112 (the whole song)
opeth - blackrose immortal (the whole song)
opeth - the twilight is my robe
and like 4 other metal tunes.
About an hour and a half of my music among tons of hip hop loving people and hot chicks. Yeah!