Who at the RC forums has the most similar musical taste to yours?

Umm...I dont really know cuz I have only been around this particular forum for about a month and a half now. Probably npearce, seeing how we are usually on the same wavelength with a lot of music. I have noticed JayKeeley liking a lot of the same stuff Im into as well.

Time will tell... :kickass:
Bloodstainedwalls, NAD, and Dreamlord all have things in common with my tastes in music.

NAD: I feel so much closer to you now that you've portrayed your love for me in public. Maybe that trip to San Fransisco is in order after all . . .
Ayeka said:
Oh yeah, Kristallnacht was one of my early finds! I take it that you have Of Elitism And War then? I should have a copy arriving sometime next week, been WAY too long since I last listened to 'em. Fucking dirty, cool keyboards if you don't imagine them coming from a Disney soundtrack.

I'd also recommend Gontyna Kry, Ad Hominem, Temnozor and Wewelsburg...off the top of my head, and in that order too I guess! Some hella good stuff out there.
yeah, it's Of ELitism and War. Really nasty, gritty black metal. Gontyna Kry was gonna be my next venture.

Jay - I've heard a few songs from NM, but didn't like it too much.

Iron Maiden make me laugh. They're so happy!
in all fairness, I really didn't give the songs a fair chance at the time. And with my renewed interest in black metal, I would probably like them.
If it wasn't for their political leanings towards all things NSBM and swastika-emblazoned, I think they'd get a lot more appreciation from 'across the board'. Let's face it, they would have probably stayed with The End Records otherwise and currently been sitting happy alongside Enslaved and Darkthrone.
It's tough to say because they have a few albums that are quite atmospheric with plentyful use of keyboards, and a 'big' production sound. Most people think that either Goat Horns or Lunar Poetry are their best albums. Now, if you want something a lot more down to earth, toned down production, and folk driven (using actual folk instruments etc), you need to hear either NeChrist or The Taste of Victory - the latter being quite remarkable considering it's only an EP release. Erik had it at the #3 spot in his top 10.
Gosh - I totally forgot "To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire"!!! That is a blitzkrieg assault - kind of like the big battle in Return of the King set to black metal war anthems.
Goat Horns is pretty cool, it took me a long time to get into. Still think the cover is lame though. :loco:
Erik and Lutz has the most similar music tastes to mine if you add some stuff to them both and withdraw the funeral doom (I don't hate it, I just find it uninteresting) and the girly-music.
I'd get Lunar Poetry for NM. If you wanted to download something, Perun's Celestial Silver is probably one of my favourite BM songs ever, so get that.
I think Lunar Poetry is my favorite NM release, closely followed by To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire. Peruns Celestial Sun is an awesome song. I love the background synth rythm in On the Moon too.