Who cares vs Who gives a f*ck


freelance jackass
Feb 12, 2005
I'd just like to say I personally don't care or give a fuck who's better than who . who has the fastest feet, drinks the most kool aide or has the coolest hairdo. with all these blah vs blah threads I'm about ready for some old fashion john and joey bashing. This board used to be filled with good ole hate, links to guys getting kicked in the nutts and, homophobes.
bring back the disfunction god damn it ! no one has even made fun of my avatar in like 6 months.

place your smart ass comments and non sensible replies here ....
Who cares? vs Who gives a fuck?
Damn. That's a tough one. Who Cares? was good back in the day, but I think they've kind of lost it.
I'm going to have to go with Who gives a fuck?.
But, then again, who really gives a fuck?