Who gets the last word in?

The person in the background is just a extra that I hired to play a robot but thought it would be better if she was in her underwear instead and see if anyone noticed her :p
Tjena Janelle :wave:
Oh god Tomas, I am a female and I noticed her first thing. How can you not? :p

@Anders: Aww, you måste sova efter examen sedan. Jag är... sjuk? Jag vet inte. Inte bra. :s
Haha, poor kid. Well I say Anders beat everyone out though. His acting skills are most impressive.
@Anders: Ah, det är okej. Jag har känslat (?) det har väg för en vecka nu. Argh, min svenska är dålig.
you´re right Tomas, me and Janelle is teh bestest team in the world ;) right Nelly?? ;)

Nelly, jag har känt att det har varit pa väg en vecka nu.
nej din svenska är super bra!!
Haha, I totally butchered that sentence, and I would have used the root verb känna but wasn't sure. And no, my swedish is horrible.

And yeah, you bet we make the best team in the world. That is where the tag team I was talking about comes in. :D
Well I have started working on Part 4 of the series.
It is not gonna be a comedy this time but a more serious picture. The most serious I have made to date. But there is a scene that is quite amusing I guess.
But so far it is looking very good and exciting and I have a feeling that it is gonna be a long movie.
Also it has a western theme and the cast is Janelle, Anya and Adam and for the very first time, me as the director.
Anyone that really wants to be in the movie just let me know and I will add you in as a extra.
ante said:
haha who the fuck is it in underpants in the starship? :lol: it isn´t Anya right? :lol:

:lol: wisshh....you ..party pooper,why don't you sign up for the next movie,as an extra..like you could be an indian doiing a raindance in that gorgeous outfit you're wearing...:lol: *bugsssss* ;)

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