Who gets the last word in?

^don't interfere in this conversation

in fact, why don't you stay out of this thread too :p

The Wolf has the taste of blood:kickass:.....:lol:

^this way of talking is exactly why you don't have a gf

hay hay hay now then peoplse.:lol: Deadly come to THE VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED open season on Wolves this time of year:lol: see you at the HOSPITAL maybe:lol:

you could open up a shoe shop as they don't have one:headbang:...maybe:lol:

SHOES "Ted Bundy":lol:... :err:...DEADLY ":OMG: SEXY NURSE WORKS IN HOSPITAL":headbang:
^^ Holy smilie action, Batmen!

Good to see you've pointed your kids in the right direction...:kickass:
by the time they reach high school they should be ok, no one fcks with the metal heads:headbang:

i luv Emoticons sometimes they say more than words

some of the great wars could of been won with an Emoticon.


England sends message to Germany, "YOU HAVE THE COLD BEER:kickass:..LADYS WITH THE BIG.:yow:.LUNGS FOR SINGING, WE'LL BRING THE BALL:headbang:...WHO EVER WINS..WINS THE WAR.:lol:..LOOSER PAYS FOR THE BEER:zombie:...:lol:

You're right, sometimes they same it all :p :lol:

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