Who gets the last word in?


:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:... :rock: ...:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
elves = prancy little pretty boys. They'd be the bitch in any named prison you'd care to think of. They don't have rock-hard spirits like dwarves, they're just a load of pussies.
Clearly, you're thinking of other elves and dwarves.

In all 'realistic' fantasy (where races follow a general stereotype throughout different films and novels) elves are essentially pretty boys... obsessed with cleanliness, decadent, and, although honourable, generally useless.

Dwarves, on the other hand, are stubborn, extremely honourable, hold their oath til death, show nothing but respect to THOSE THAT DESERVE IT, which means spitting on pansy elves. And, of course, they're wise beyond imagining, and never forget a grudge. There may be minor variations, but elves are simply pampered citizens and not hardened warriors.

I can't believe this argument.
short, but they make up for it in bulk. Muscle, mostly. Them little buggers are STRONG.

Manly enough? Not rly. I'd like to see an elf doing decent, honest hard work. And then I'd like to see his backbone break as his lithe, womanly body snaps under the strain.
Hah, well thats simple. Elves have no genitals, so god knows how they do it. And I don't even want to consider dwarves.
Why do you think about this shit anyway?
Welcome to the wonderful world of UM, where the private regions of fantastical beings are a regular topic.

And where the last word is mine!
OK... LotR. So, as an example of an elf, we have legolas.

and for a dwarf, we have gimli.


my point is proved. Elves are just bitches.
There are female dwarves! Haven't you ever watched the Two Towers? Just before the warg attack on the route to helms deep?

God, its been 1.5 years since I watched that film and I know every line >.<