Who gets the last word in?

My Vista is crazy at the moment... It is not original so I cannot update it and it crashes every time whenever I am renaming a doc. or a folder. Or whenever someone sends me something via msn. It says calculating.. then... CRASH!!! Great.. If only I had time to have it formatted...

:eek: :lol:
Well I have now been forced out of my house just to come on the :yell:ULTIMATE METAL FORUMI have tried evrything from Debuging to Deactivating,now I just want to throw Defucking computer :lol: but, its not mine so I have to be nice :grin:

now what, Oh, Computer #2 is telling me it needs more money :Smug:

I would love one just like this in my house, how cooooooool would that be $2.00 evry 20min, all I'd have to do is ask my computer for a loan :lol:

my rant 4the day...jog on :lol:
i also had a problem with my computer this morning, i had to do a system restoration...

I had no more sound and internet, i had to boot on a Linux LiveCD´in order to find a solution to my problem^^